The Christmas Party

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(Emily's pov) 

I don't know what I was expecting.Maybe that she'd turn around and a big thug would be there with a knife and that he had killed my grandfather not her.She certainly didn't look like she just killed someone.She was about half his height and probably three times less his weight.She looked...relived. There was no blood on her hands but I know she did it.

"Severa!What-What have you done?"Sev asked and my mother just looked blankly at the body before she took out her wand.

"We have to get rid of it.I'm thinking I will take it out the field out back and I will burn it"she said with a thoughtful expression on her face as if she wasn't looking down at her dead father.

"Severa,what will mother say?"Sev asked and for a moment a look of fear crossed my mother's face.

"We're safe now.She doesn't have to know the details.We better hurry up"She said looking around warily before she pulled grandfathers body up and leaned it on her shoulder with surprising strength for such a small girl.

"People are going to notice he's missing"Sev pointed out and he got slowly up,wincing in pain.

"We'll report him missing then.People know he's fond of his drink and he's a gambler.He could have easily fell in a ditch or was unable to pay his debts"she replied and I started to wonder if this murder was planned.

"I'll clean up here.You go burn that son of a hag until there's only ashes then make them fly away so nobody can test it.Don't let anyone see you"Sev said,still wincing and she nodded.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone?"She asked and Sev nodded.

"I promise"he replied and she gave him a tight smile before she apparated.Then the memory ended and I was sucked back to reality.

I sat on Sev's office floor in a dazed state.My mother killed my grandfather.My mother killed my grandfather.Oh my Merlin my mother killed my grandfather!

"What are you doing here?"a voice snapped and I jumped as Sev slammed the door behind him.He seemed to notice my position and the oddity of it and the look on my face.He looked over at the pensieve and paled.

"Look-"he began but I shook my head.

"She killed him"I croaked out before he could continue."She killed Grandfather Snape"

This seemed to anger Sev and he sat down with a noisy sigh and he didn't speak for a minute or so but when he did his voice was barely above a whisper.

"Tobias Snape was a horrible man.He was a drunk and he spent all our food money on drink or in the casino.You saw what he did to me.He did that to Mother and Severa too.I'm glad that Severa murdered him.I'm glad he's dead and I'm glad it was by her hands. I'm damn proud that she did that"He said,his voice shaking with anger,his knuckles turning white.

"I hardly had the best dad ever Sev but he was still my dad.She murdered him!And all along I thought dad was the murderer not her"I said,still trying to process the whole thing.

"He should be grateful that it was Severa and not me.I would have made his death the most painful thing imaginable"Sev hissed, his knuckles turning even whiter because of how tight his fist was clenched.

"I-I don't want to talk about this.I need time to...process everything.I'm sorry"I said before walking out.I didn't even know why I said sorry.Sorry that I invaded your mind?Sorry that I looked into that pensieve?Sorry that you had a horrible father?Sorry that mam killed him?I guess I was apologising for all of them reasons.

I tried to forget about it as it got nearer to Christmas.I also tried to forget about Sev.I must have been too long 'processing' things because in one of my letters from Remus,he mentioned that Sev was worried about me and Sev must have been really really desperate to call Remus for help,I mean REALLY desperate.

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