The Prophecy

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(Emily's pov)

On Saturday,the day of the match,Viola and I walked down to the Quidditch pitch early.I was made temporary captain because Harry got himself stuck in detention...along with Cece,who exploded her cauldron in potions. Not on purpose of course but Slughorn had to give her a detention.She was more nervous and jumpy now than usual,as if she knew something nobody else did.

The weather was beautiful,a little too sunny but there was light breeze.Perfect Quidditch weather.Draco was still in the Hospital Wing but I didn't know what to think about him.He was a Death Eater but he was family.What was I supposed to think?One thing was certain though,I was severely pissed off at Harry.

I don't know if he just made me temporary captain to stop hexing him into oblivion but either way I was angry.I was not the only one though.I had to stop Viola from ripping his head off multiple times.

"I'm going to kill Potter"she mumbled under her breath but I still heard her.I laughed at her and she let out a little giggle.

"I think Parkinson killed him enough times" I said,rolling my eyes a bit at the crazy Slytherin.I lost count at how many times she had hexed him with different curses each time,one leaving his hair pink for a couple of hours.

"I suppose so.But still.Ugh I hate him"she said,running a hand through her hair.It was clear by looking at her that she had spent hours upon hours in the Hospital Wing, barely sleeping.She had somehow convinced Madam Pomfrey to let her stay for long hours,even through the night and I realised why she was a Slytherin,she was just as sly and cunning as the rest of them. They weren't bad people,I had nearly been placed in Slytherin.They just have a bad reputation and they're stubborn as hell.

We reach the Quidditch pitch and Viola waves goodbye before she finds a place in the stands.I was nervous as I waited for the others to show up.We had to win Ravenclaw by three hundred points if we wanted to win the cup.We didn't have Harry but then again we didn't have him last year.Ginny was playing seeker again and Dean replaced her as Chaser for this match.A bit awkward considering she broke up with him.

Finally the others file in and its time for me to make a pep talk.I don't really know how to motivate them because Harry is missing. We aren't at our best.

"As you can see I was made temporary Captain because stupid Potter got a detention.I believe we can win this"I said and Jimmy raised an eyebrow.

"How?"he asked,disrupting my speech and I smiled.

"Ravenclaws are smart.That is their greatest strength but also their greatest flaw"I said and the only one who seemed to know where I was going was Katie Bell."They know strategies.They can predict if we are going to feint.So how do we beat them?"

It was a rhetorical question but Katie answered anyway.

"We don't plan ahead.We do something so illogical that they cannot predict our moves. It will confuse and frustrate them"Katie said with an approving nod.

"You are good Captain material"she said and Ron narrowed his eyes at her.

"Harry is Captain"he snapped and she shrugged.

"I'm just complimenting her"she said and didn't want my team to fight right before the match.

"So put on your stupid caps and lets go be illogical.Lets kick some Ravennerd's ass!"I shouted and everyone cheered.

It was weird,exiting the dressing rooms as the Captain.Of course we went out to both cheers and boos.Madam Hooch called me over and I find myself face to face with Cho Chang.I didn't know how to react.I didn't want a reenactment of the previous game, where she had to save me.It was downright embarrassing.

"Good Luck Chang"I said as we shook hands.A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips before it disappeared.

"You too Black"she said and then Madam Hooch blew her whistle and we raised into the air.The start of the game was fast.Some boy I don't know was doing the commentary and he seemed just as completely baffled as the Ravenclaws at our style of play.Katie threw the Quaffle straight into the hands of one of the Ravenclaw chaser and he was so surprised that he dropped it and Dean caught it before shooting straight at the keeper,who moved and it went straight in the middle hoop.

Meanwhile Jimmy and I were playing 'pass the bludger' to each other,while singing very loudly and very badly.

"Oh,come and stir my cauldron,And if you do it right,I'll boil you some hot,strong love,

To keep you warm tonight"I sang Celestina Warbeck loudly and Jimmy started laughing but then he turned so suddenly and whacked the bludger at one of the Ravenclaw Chasers,who was not expecting it and he had no time to dodge it.

We continued with our crazy antics,with Ginny doing cartwheels in the air on her broom,while Katie sat in one of the Ravenclaw hoops and Ron had flown straight from his end of the pitch to the other end and scored.

Just as Demelza flew over to Dean and gave him a full blown kiss on the lips(there were no rules against it)Cho found out what we were doing.

"They're tricking us!Concentrate!"she screamed,her face flushed red with anger.I never really saw her angry,I've seen her sad and giggly but not this angry.It was too late though we had already scored two hundred and ninety points,while they were on twenty.They improved though in the next five minutes.They had scored twenty points while we hadn't scored.

Then I saw something bright gold zoom past me and so did Ginny.Cho was too busy shouting but Cho was closer.Ginny needed a distraction.I did something completely illogical,I took the Quaffle from Dean and I threw it in the air.I swung my bat back and hit it as hard as I could.Everybody'a eyes but Ginny's followed the ball's progress and I was surprised when it went in but then Cho's attention was drawn back to Ginny who was only seconds away from winning the game.She tried without no success to get there before Ginny.

"Ginny Weasley has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins 450-40!"the commentator exclaimed and I stayed frozen for a moment before I flew down to the pitch,a large grin on my face.

I could barely hear anything over the crowd's cheers and the first person I reached was Ron.

"Come here you fuzzy ginger bear!"I shouted.It didn't make sense at all but I was too happy to care and so was Ron.He lifted me up as he hugged me and I was surprised he was that strong.I saw Dean and Demelza beside us,both jumping with joy and cheering.

"Do I get another kiss?"Dean joked and Demelza nudged him in the side with her hip.

"I don't date Sixth years"she said before she walked off to hug Katie.McGonagall came down,the cup in her hand and she gave it to me first.It felt great,lifting the cup into the air as the crowd cheered.It just makes you forget all your worries.

The whole Quidditch team was carried up to the common room and I saw Cece waiting for me.

"I have to talk to you"she shouted over the noise and I frowned,she looked so serious and it scared me.

"Emily!You said you wanted to visit Draco! He's awake."Viola said from behind me and I saw her pushing through the crowd.I looked between the two and frowned.Colin Creevey patted me on the back as he walked past me and I looked pleadingly at Cece.

"I'll only be a couple of minutes.Can it wait?"I asked.I just wanted to get the talk with Draco over with,so I could just enjoy my victory.

"Just hurry"she pleaded before she disappeared into the crowd.Viola walked with me to the Entrance Hall but then she went to her common room while I walked on,towards the Hospital Wing.Draco is the only one there,even Madam Pomfrey is nowhere in sight.

"Hi"I mumbled,pulling out the chair and siting down.He looked better than before and he only had a small scar on his face that I could see and it blended in with his increasingly pale face.

"Hello.You were get as Captain."he said,a bit too cheerful for my likening.I cut straight to the point.

"When I was trying to heal you.I saw it Draco.I know that you're a Death Eater"I said,looking around to make sure that Madam Pomfrey is nowhere in sight.

He paled but he said nothing,he didn't even look at me.

"We can get you help Draco.I can help you. You have to trust me."I said but he shook his head quickly,looking at me with pleading grey eyes,my eyes,Dad's eyes.

"I have to.He'll kill Me,mum...Viola"his voice cracked and I realised how venerable he is."Please don't tell Viola"

"She will find out.She's my friends Draco and if she finds out that I knew and didn't tell her-"I started but he cut me off.

"Please.I just want more time with her"he said.His voice is so heartbreaking that I find myself nodding.

"Draco.We can still get help.You can become a spy"I argued but he continued to shake his head.

"You will hate me after I do it"He stated and I shake my head,forcing him to look at me.

"Please tell me what you have to do"I begged but he shook his head and lay back down,closing his eyes as if he was actually asleep.I know now that I should have turned him in right then and there,maybe things would have turned out differently.

I left the Hospital Wing in distress and I walked back to the common room slowly. That was one thing off my list but I still had to talk to Cece.She looked so worried recently.Not like the normal carefree Cece I knew.

When I returned to the common room I couldn't see her and I took this as an advantage.I relaxed on the couch with the other members of the team and apparently I missed Harry kissing Ginny.Oh joy!Another couple!

"Congrats"I said truthfully but I still narrowed my eyes at Harry,as if daring him to hurt Ginny.People came up to me and congratulated me and the rest of the team. They all particularly enjoyed the match and our crazy plans.We outsmarted the Ravenclaws.Well we actually outdumbed them.

After an hour Cece came back down,Seamus by her side.He looked just as worried as me.He was asking her tons if questions but she just sighed.

"Seamus.Nothing's wrong.Go celebrate with Dean."she said but he was persistent.

"Really?You got a detention you never get detentions Cecilia"he pointed out and it probably wasn't best to say her full name.

"Go away Finnegan before you worry Neville too with your stupid accusations!" she snapped and this surprised the both of us.

"Fine!"Seamus snapped back,stomping away.He was clearly hurt but Cece looked like she wanted to cry and it took a lot for her to cry.

I followed her silently up to the room,which was empty because everyone else was downstairs.She sat on her bed,her head in her hands before she looked up tiredly.

"I haven't been completely truthful with you.I told you that I hated Christine because she said something had about my parents" she said."It's not a lie but it wasn't the main reason we fought.I overheard a prophecy Emily.Its about you.I'm sure of it"Cece said and she took out a piece of parchment and placed it in front of me.

'A child born mid August,shall inherit power beyond belief.She shall break the boundaries between life and death,while fighting things that were never meant.She will try in vain to end what can not be ended.Connected by scars,if one fails the other shall too' it said and I gulped.I will try in vain?Fighting things that were never meant?Break the boundaries between life and death?The prophecy doesn't sound so nice.

"Why were you fighting with Christine about this?Did she find out that you had it?" I asked,a bit confused at why they would fight over my prophecy.

"You don't get it.I overheard this prophecy. Christine was the one who issued it.She wanted to show it to you immediately but we were all too young.It would drive anybody crazy"Cece whispered and I tried to control my breathing and my hands which were getting hotter by the second and a spark flew off me.

"Why tell me now?"I asked and she looked up sadly.

"You-Vol...Vold...Voldemort captured her. He found out about the prophecy last year. Her dad exchanged the prophecy for her" Cece replied.I let this sink in.Voldemort knew.

"Is Christy okay?"I asked.It was all my fault that she was hurt.I put her in danger.I would never forgive myself if she was hurt or even that wouldn't happen. She's a seer.She's too valuable.He wouldn't kill her.

"Define okay"Cece replied grimly.

----------------------------------------------------A/N Hello.I quite enjoyed writing this chapter but onto the thank you's.Thank you to '_______RAWR____','lindy_potter',

And 'FutureMrsFredWeasley' for fanning.

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