Chapter 1

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          ^_^ I'm really loving this story so far guys! What do you think?


Recap :

Now it was Sakra's turn to speak, she stood up and walked over to the blond girl. I bit my lip, stopping myself from laughing. The look on the blond whores face when Sakura smacked her was prize less. "Listen here I may not be a slut like you or some of the girls here but at least I know better not to sleep with a guy that doesn't love me back. I'll happily save myself for my true love" She pointed to her heart. This comment made me very happy. Just then Mr.Player himself walked into class, late I might add but so was the teacher. He has that smirk that ladies loved and I felt weirdly over on his face.

  "Why'd everyone stop talking? Don't stop because of me" He was looking straight at me of course. Why was I the only one who can see the real him? 

                        -Skips ahead through the recap stuff- Hehe :3

              Sasuke walked up to the front of the class, the whole room was silent as everyone waited to heart what the great Sasuke have to say. "I know some of you girls have been bullying poor Sakura, from this day on it stops, 2nd I am now making her my new girlfriend" He was grinning right at me the whole time, I rolled eyes and acted like I didn't care but was very angry inside. Who is he to say who everyone dates? And why does it have to be my crush?

 I looked over at my love, to see her face redder then a rose with a big smile painted on her face. This killed me a little inside. Why can she never look at me the way she does for him? Am I that ugly and unlovable? I looked now all around the room to see the girls to shocked to speak and the boys not caring one bit. "So that's all I have to say. Oh and if anyone ever hurts her or tries to take her away I will hurt them boy or girl" He warned in his real for. The girls were scared and the guys didn't know hst to think. He smirked then walked over to the desk next to Sakura. He kissed her check and she turned redder.

   Shes really letting him label her as his? Shes not a toy he can just buy or take away. I hate how he treats girls. The teacher walked in, we stood up and bowed. "Good morning teacher" We all greeted as always. He nodded then sat down on his chair, looking into his teaching book. We all sat down and waited for him to speak. "Class turn to page 18" He ordered, the class was now filled with sounds of kids trying to find their English books as fast as we could. I had it out already and started to read along with the class. I hate class but if I fail this year I'll get felt back and miss out on seeing Sakura in her high school uniform next year. Can't have that!

In the middle of the class I felt someone poke my shoulder. I looked to see a young, shy blue haired girl pulling on my shirt. "Yes?" I asked, staring at her innocent face. "U-Um..Sasuke wanted me to give you this?" She answered looking back st him who was all the way at the back of the class, with the "cool" kids. He was again staring at me. "Thanks?" I questioned, taking the note. She blushed but turned away. It read:

          Meet me after school. We need to talk, this has to end! Don't tell anyone I know we both don't want this getting out and people thinking we were friends. Oh and if you don't show up I'll sleep with your stupid crush and tape it then send it to the school!

I ripped the paper up then took out my note book and started writing him one.

             Shes not my crush and even if she was, why should you care? I don't care what you do with her or if the school knows. Leave me alone jerk! P.S I see through your lies.

I handed back to the blue haired chick and asked her to down it back to him. She blushed but nodded and handed it down. Well that fixes parts of my troubles I thought. But I want Sakura to lose it to some she really loves and loves her back, like she said before class had started. I sighed. Great now I have to meet up with the jerk, why me? What did I do to have all this drama? I looked up at the board as the teacher wrote something down. I hadn't been listening to the teacher because of him and now I found out we have a test and I have no idea what it is on.

   How can I pass with him around? Just then the bell wen't off, meaning we could leave the class. The whole day wen't by very fast, with him trying my hardest to stay away from him. This dudes making me crazy! During lunch I sat alone as always, enjoying my book of fighting moves when he walked up to me and sat down. "A guy like you shouldn't be eating alone" He smirked. I looked up at him. I didn't see it until now but he grew over the summer. I placed my book on the table. "Do what you wish" I felt my face turn red for some reason. I'm guessing he saw because he lifted up my chin, staring at my face. "What are you doing? Boys don't do that to other boys!" I whined, slapping his hand away. "And why not? What's so wrong about it?" He asked, holding my hand. I gave him a look and just pulled my hand back. "Must you play with me like that? People will see" I looked down at my plate of Sushi, poking it with my finger. "Your so much fun, your funner then the girls" He smiled down at me. I looked up to see his face, evil and sweet at the same time. Yup that's his real side. "Don't you have anything better to do then mess with me?" I moved away from him. "Nope" Was all he replied. "Why are you doing this?" I asked, feeling shy for some reason. "You'll find out if you just meet me after school" Sasuke took a cookie off my plate and bit it in half. I sighed but gave up. "Fine I'll meet up with you."

            And with that our love only grew strong from that moment on. 


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