Chapter 3 Part 2

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Naruto's POV:

    "Are you sure this is okay?.." I quistoined as his kissed wen't lower and lower til he stopped at my pants. He came back up, kissing me softly. I can't put into words how hard it was to break away from our kisses. We were still laying on the couch but only this time with him pinning me down. "Yes, I always wanted this. I waited so long to hold you like this Naruto" He answered. Him calling me by my name sent shivers down my back but good shivers. I never felt anything like this. What could this feeling be? Love? Could I truly really love Sasuke? Deepdown I wanted this two but not here and not like this!

"Let's save this for another time, please?" I asked, licking his cheek playfully. He shivered but smirked. "Of course" He answered and helped me up. I hugged him to me and we just cuddled til the school janitor came and threw us out the room and then the school. "Do that stuff at home!" He ordered then slammed the school doors shot. We looked at each other then laughed. "Ha ha, oh man this you see his face?!!?" Sasuke spoke between laughes. "I know right!?! And what about that boner!" I laughed so hard that my belly started to hurt. I never saw it before but we like a lot of the same things, he could be another me!

"Come on!" He said wrapping my arm around my shoulders and leading me to who knows where.  "Where are we going?" I asked. "Well we can't stay here, now can we?" I gave him a look that read, "What the hell?" But he still lead the way. We walked for a while til he called for a taxi. "I'm not getting in" I stated sounding like a tatol brat. "Come on, live a little?" Was his simple reply. I gave him a look but she pouted. "What if you rape me?" I joked. He winked, "maybe some other time but not tonight.' I looked at him for a moment then got in the taxi, trusting him fully. "Okay but if you rape me I'm kicking you in the balls!" With that the taxi left. Where every we're going better be filled with people because I don't know if I trust him all that well now.

Next morning:

         I had a sharp pain in my head, felt like I was going to throw up my brain and to make it worse, I can't remember what happened last night."What's wrong with him?" Momo whisper/asked to Kim. "Don't know but his not in the mood to talk" She whispered back. I rolled my eyes. Not even 5 minutes yet and their talking behind my back. My head was laying on my rms which were crossed on the school desk. What happened last night? Ugh and why can't I remember? "Sasuke's girlfriend is upset too, no idea why. I mean shes dating Sasuke" Momo stated. I jumped up. "If that dude hurt her I'll kill him!" I snapped out. The whole class looked at me. My face turned red as I slowly wen't back to my position. Great now they think I'm crazy! Like life couldn't get any worse.

I felt a finger poke me, I looked back to see Hinata's smiling face. "Yes?" I poked her back but this time on her nose. She giggled and looked away, turning a light red. "Sasuke, wanted me to give you this!" She giggled again as she wanted me a note. What does that jerk want? I thought but took the paper and read it.

"Meet me behind the school at lunch. We need to talk about last night!"

     What is this dude talking about? I can remember him stealing my girl away, him being a jerk and using her. But that's all. I groaned but thought I might as well go. "Look it's Sakura!" I heard momo stated and I could feel her point that way. I looked up slowly and yup it was her. She looked so sad and weak, like someone killed her puppy. I can't explain how badly it hurt me to see her this way. I wanted to hug her and never let go bt shes not me..and never will be. I sighed. I should just give up on love, it would make things way better. But I shouldn't give up with out trying! This could be my chance to get close to her. With out thinking I sat up and walked to her, almost like my body made me. She was looking out the window daydreaming til she looked back and saw me. "What do you want?" She hissed and her sad and weak face turned to anger and pure evil. "Um you looked down and I thought you could use some cheering up?" I lied. I really have no idea what to do or say to make her smile.

"Oh now you care about my feelings? But I guess that couldn't stop you from doing what you did!" She looked truly pissed off right now. "What did I do?" I quiostoined. "I know about youe secret and I'm going to tell the whole school" She smirked evilly. "Oookay?" I looked at her like she was crazy. What happened that was my fault? I sighed once more. "What secret?" Asking, I sat down on the chair next to hers. "You know what I'm talking about!" She growled then got up and walked out the class room. Okay I have no idea what's going on but shes gone made.

  Through out the day, flash backs kept popping up but only little bits and pieces. I haven't seen Sasuke around today and I have no idea why I care anyways. It shouldn't bother me what he does..I thought but knew deep down that that was a lie. Hugging my book to me, I leaned against my locker. Damn it! I can't get him out of my mind. The bell rong meaning that lunch just started, I groaned. I know I could of said no but something deep down wouldn't let me. Whatever these feelings are they better stop soon.


         I skipped lunch but grabbed a chocolate bar and a juice box. No need to go hungry I thought. Ripping open the chacolate bar, I walked through the school, out the doors then made my way to the back there I awaited. Who knows how long I waited for this guy, his starting to piss me off.


  Sorry I haven't written in a WHILE...

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