Chapter 5

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SOOO sorry it took me so long to write this x.x...been busy but I'm back now :D! Missed me ;D? Yeah I know y'all didn't and just wanted to read the last chapter xDDD if you did through then comment and do tell me what you thought of my first ever short story about boyxboy :3? Rude or not it's all welcomed ^^

Naruto's POV:

                 Sasuke and I have been so close these past few periods and I know now that I'm in love and that I'm gay. Proud to be dammit. I love guys and every part of them. Now that I know this I see that I was only using Sakura as a way to hide this fact from myself and the others. When all alongSasuke has been my one and only. Well not anymore.

  I was walking through the halls with Sasuke by my side. For now we have to this a secret but soon, when everything has calmed down we can come out to the world. "I'll see you at the pep rally. Love you" Sasuke whispered the last part then kissed my forehead, which made me blush a bit.

   "We can't..I'm sorry" I almost died because of the hurt look he gave me. "It's okay I know" he hugged me this time then pulled away.

"I'll text you and be carefull"

"Can't wait and no worries I'm not that weak" I rolled my eyes. We both laughed. It's been this great for a while and I don't want it to end. I truly do love this boy. His my everything. My Sasuke, that thought made me smile.

"If any bitch touches you, you Punch them or call and I'll be there" he was beginning to sound like my father now which I don't like. "I know how to stand up for myself Sas-" he cut me off before I couldFinnish.

"I know but I still feel bad for letting...well what happen, happen"

"It's in the past now baby, no worries" I looked around to make sure we were the only ones in the hall then stood on my toes and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back and soon it turned into a short yet hot make out scene. I moaned under his touch. Sasuke had his arms around me, trying to pull myhoodie off. I wrapped my legs around him.

"W-we need to stop" I sadly had to break the kiss. "We'll make out as much as you want tonight"Sasuke winked. "You perv" I teased.

"You love it baby"

"Maybe but yeah go, you'll be late for class" he nodded and slowly turned, opening the classroom door a bit. "See you next period" then he was gone. My heart hurts knowing that his gone I wish we could be together forever by that I mean in every class, every minute and every moment..wait not EVERY, I need my time as well as him but you guys get it. 

Sakura's POV...:

                      Everything was setup and perfect. I got the nerds to put everything together and the best part is I didn't even have to pay. I explained it all before so no need to repeat right? Anyways yeah now I was just sitting here waiting for the bell to ring and for everyone to come out here. I had popcorn in my hands, ready to push the magic button that will fix it all and ruin Naruto and his little boyfriends life. Ugh the word boyfriend means nothing to me now..

Finally the bell wen't off after a while the first class came out then the others. Soon every class from every grade was out here. I was sitting in the little house thingie on top of the bleacher where they take score of the football games outside. The class took their seats at the bleachers and soon the pep rally began.

         I looked down and saw Naruto next to Sasuke, nearly holding hands and whispering into each others ears. Sasuke whispered something to Naruto that made him laugh softly. Naruto replied andSasuke of course chuckled. They looked so in love and cute..yeah I know you thought I'd throw up if I ever used their name and in love and not throw up and to add to that their cute. Yeah I said it.

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