Chapter 2

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Naruto's P.O.V :

   My last period class felt like it took forever to end. I really want to know what's up with Sasuke and Sakura and why shes letting him use her. I know she sees through him I thought, grabbing my book bag and leaving the class room. Our school was pretty normal but it was very huge for a middle school. The rich and middle class and oddly even the poor go here. I guess it's for the best.I looked for Sasuke all over the school because he never told me where to meet him, dang I thought as I ran through the halls. I finally gave up, lost in who noes where. I guess I really don't know my school yet but I am just starting 8th grade now. I sighed. I guess I'll just keep walking I thought. I walked into what looks like a T.V room. I guess this is where the rich kids relax. I sat down on a soft looking black couch.

Only the rich get these type of rooms, with everything you could hope of and more in. It smelt of roses and before I knew it I was yawning and trying to stay up. I took off my school uniform jacket then my shirt. It feels as if it is still summer here. I closed my eyes for a moment. I'll take a nap then look for him some more later.

Sasuke's P.O.V :

                  I walked into my very own room in the school and saw Naruto curled up like a puppy, sleeping there on my new couch. At first I was a bit surprised but then smiled. "The boy thing must have gotten tired" I whispered as I walked to his curled up body. I looked on the floor to see his jacket and shirt there. I picked it up walking into another room that was mine and placing it on top of my dresser then walked back. I could wake him up but love seeing him like this. He finally isn't trying to run away and I must say I do love that. I sat down next to him, petting his head softly. He yawned like a child then wen't back to see. I smiled.

"He makes it so hard to stay away from him" I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me, laying his head on my shoulders. "I love you Sasuke" He yawned out. I was shocked then happy. I now know he feels the same as me. I ran my fingers through his soft blond hair. I don' know if I'm gay or not all I know is he makes me feel this way about him. I clapped my hands, the lights turned off. We might as well enjoy this moment. I fell into a deep nap with Naruto's arms wrapped around me and my hands in his beautiful blond hair.


         I woke up an hour or two later to find Naruto fast asleep. I didn't have the heart to pull him away so I just sat there still. His my puppy and if anyone tries to take him away, I'll kill them I promised myself that years ago. The room was filled with sounds of a happily sleeping Naruto. I stared down at him, smiling. I always find myself staring at his cute face. Is that wrong? I don't see why two boys can't feel this way about another. I really do love Naruto with my life.

Just then the door opened, in walked Hinata. She saw us, blushed then I'm guessing froze. "Yes?" I asked her, grabbing Naruto's tight butt check. He moaned in his sleep, wrapping himself around me more. I smiled. Yup I love playing with him. "Um..Sakura's looking for you" She looked down. Her shyness was adorable, I'd most likely have fallen for her if I didn't have Naruto. I can't say they're the same or act the same because they don't. Naruto was more my type. "Tell her I'm in a meeting" I lied. I don't want to leave Naruto's side. "But it's after school and clubs haven't started yet" She reminded me. Damn, that's right I forgot about that fact. My minds been only on my love all day. "Then tell her I'm not feeling well, just keep her out of here' I ordered. She nodded then turned to walk out. "Wait, don't tell anyone you saw us like this" I kissed Naruto's forehead. She looked over her shoulders and said, "yes sir," then left.

      Sakura really doesn't know when to leave me alone. It's really pissing me off. I really can't stand her very much but I do just to see that cute pissed off look, Naruto gets when he sees us together. She really is an easy girl to use but not very fun. She doesn't fight back at all.

Sakura's P.O.V :

                  "What do you mean he doesn't want to see me?!" I growled as I grabbed Hinata by the neck and pushed her up against the wall. " sick? Right his sick and doesn't want you to catch what he has" She closed her eyes in fear. 'My dear boyfriend was sick and your only telling me this now?!? Isn't it your job to keep up with everything in his life and the school?!!?" I shook her til she begged for me to stop. Sasuke is the class president and shes 2nd in command if she can't even do her job right then what's the point of having her? "Please don't hurt me, I only told you what he ordered" She fought back with tears in her eyes. "Your lucky I'm feeling happy" I growled at her. I placed her down, turning around. "Take me to him" I ordered. "But he-" she started to say but I cut her off. "I don't care just take me to him!"

She crossed her arms over her head, crying softly. "I won't hit you" I rolled my eyes. "P-Please forgive me..." She begged. I sighed, "Fine but try to understand how a woman in love feels. It's very hard for us to stay away from our men for to long, get it?" I lightly placed my hand on her head petting her lovingly. We may fight at times and I may wan't to kill her most of it but we are friends after all right? That just means we really care about each other.

  She looked up, with big puppy dog eyes that were so cute that I couldn't help but hug her. "I-I'll take you to him" She finally gave up. I placed her back down on the ground. I smiled down to  her, she looked upset but not at me. I'll ask her what's wrong later. But right now my loves sick and needs me.


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