Chapter 3 Part 1

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Sakura's pov :

              "This way miss" Hinata walked me through the empty halls to where hopefully my love is. We walked past lots of classes. I sighed as my legs were about to give in. "How much longer!?!" I groaned. "Not to long now" She stated for the millionth time this afternoon. "Really, what's taking this long? I have to walk home before it gets dark!." She nodded but kept on walking. I'm starting to not trust her. Really I know our schools huge but still? It shouldn't take over an hour!

Just then she came to a stop, causing me to walk into her. "Oww, what's wrong?" I groaned rubbing my poor head. "M-M-Miss pleas-se don't get mad, but-" I cut her off by lightly smacking her. "Spit it out!" I ordered, calming her down. "We're l-lost.." She looked down in shame. Is she for real!?! Shes 2nd in commant, she goes to that room almost every day last year and now shes saying we're lost!?  That can't be! "I'm sorry, I think I can try and find it again.." She started to cry once more. I sighed, leaning down so I was at eye level to her and kissed her cheek. "I know you can do it, now find him." I've learned that yes beating people up gets your way in life but with her it's better to be kind. She'll just cry if your mean.

   Now then I almost forgot that I have to get home soon, I'll be dead if I don't get home before dark.

Naruto's pov:  

       I awoke with my chest against something soft and my arms wrapped about someones waist. I yawned loudly, sitting up but not unwrapping my arms. I could feel someones breath on me but it smelt of roses. Finally opening my eyes, still very tired I might add I looked up to see a sleeping Sasuke. I freaked up and tried to scream but nothing came out. I jumped away only to have him pull me back by both his arms but this time placing me on his lap. What the hells going on? I thought biting my lip. When this I fall asleep and how did I get on his lap?? I couldn't even break free of his strong hold but that fact still didn't stop me. "Let me go!" I screamed and even bit at his hands but that only made him reply, "Mmmm feeling naught, arent you?" I rolled my eyes and tried not to sleep.

"This is very wrong! Two boys can not do these things!" I smacked him across the cheek but he still didn't wake up. What's up with this dude? I sighed and gave up, laying my head back on his soft chest. Stupid jerk, with his stupid sexy smirk and stupid perfect body with a matching face to go along with it all! You no being this close to him, I never saw how well peaceful he is. When his awake his always breaking hearts but now he looks so calm and happy. I like this side of him. Apart of me feels safe with him around but another part says this is wrong and we shouldn't be. I sighed, staring at him.

   Maybe it's just me? Or maybe there's something more to these feelings. Am I really gay? That thought hit me so fast I could of fallen off the couch if Sasuke wasn't holding on to me so tight. I'm just being crazy, even through would being gay be that bad? But I'm in love with another, a girl at that matter. Maybe I'm Bi? But I feel something stronger with Sasuke. I wonder if he feels the same way. With out thinking I leaned in, our lips only inches apart now. The voice that always tells me to stop wasn't right now so is it okay? The hell with it I thought and placed a small kiss that soon turned deep and loving.

Sakura's pov:

   I was frozen in place, as I watched Naruto on Sasuke's lap, kissing him. They look so in love. I never knew those two could be that way. I felt my heart start to break. My hand now turned into a tight fist. H-How could Naruto hurt me like this? He knew how I fet about Sasuke, how madly in love I was with him. He said he loved me, he said he'd never hurt me. He said I was the only one for him but in the end all that turned out to be lies. I can't believe I trusted him. I felt a tear run down my cheeks. With out thinking I took my cell phone out, took a picture and saved it.

I don't know why I took the picture but some how I thought it would make me feel better but it didn't. I fell to the floor, crying in my hands. I looked once more at the crack in the door way, to make sure it was true. But sadly it was. My phone dropped to the ground, I curled up. I cried for I don't know how long. Til I felt someone poke me, I looked up to see Hinata. I wouldn't look me in the eyes. "You knew, didn't you?" I whispered. She slowly nodded. "Sasuke ordered me not to tell you and to keep you away from it but I couldn't even do this right. I'm so sorry" She replied with pity in her eyes. "Don't pity me, I'm not that weak" I said, forcing my body up, she tried to help me but I pushed her away and said, "I don't need your help," before walking away. The same scene playing over and over in my head. I picked up my cell phone and walked down the hall way.

    All this week I've been going on about me and Sasuke, how we were in love and we knew everything about each other but I couldn't even see that my own boyfriend was gay. What's wrong with me? May I that lost in my own world that I couldn't even see what was there? Naruto and my so called boyfriend and I grew up together. The teasing and fights and how close they were. I should of seen this coming. I sighed. I was walking home I was way late and t was night now but I don't care. My heart hurts far to much. Looking back at it I never even knew the simple things, like his birth day, favorite animal or if he even likes them. I really am so stupid. I don't blame him for not loving me. But why did he lead me on? Am I just one of those girls that get used by some gay men to hid their true self and get married and think everythings perfect but really isn't? Thoughts like those kept running through my mind.


  I laid ontop of my bed, staring at the image in my cell phobe. The same scene kept running through my mind. Naruto on Sasuke's lap, kissing him, his arms wrapped around Naruto so lovingly. Don't ask me why I am but I just am and don't ask me why I still have the picture saved because I still have no idea. Maybe deep down I'm hoping it'll help me deal? Crazy right? I sighed. I groaned but sat up and threw my phone some where on my bed.Hugging my pillow to me I started to cry again. The same scene kept playing. Oh what I would give to be with him. To have Sasuke kiss me the same way he kissed Naruto. But I know that it will never happen.

 "Sweetheart, dinners ready!" I heard my fathers voice all out. I got out of bed and changed out of my school uniform and into some shorts and simple baggy T shirt with a cartoon kitty on it. I've been in so much pain that I forgot to change I thought. I sat down at the dinner table with my father. My mother died of cancer when I was young and my older sister is at college. So things get pretty sad around here because most of the time I feel bad for my dad, he still cries at night. But I try not to pity him because I can't stand people piting me so hell no I won't let them pity my family or me pity him. I sighed and poked my Sushi with my chopsticks. "What's wrong noodles?" My dad asked using his pet name for me. "Nothing. Hey dad what was it like when you knew you loved mom?" I said the last part with out thinking. He almost spit his noodles out, a bit shocked I'm guessing by what I asked. He drinked his tea, trying to calm down, "Why you ask?" He gave me a worried look. "Oh nothing really just wondering."

         He sighed but gave me a knowing look, then turned to his side. "Well I knew we were meant to be from the first moment I laid my eyes on her. That very warm summer day, her family hated mine but that didn't stop us. They tried so hard to keep us apart and even tried to pay me off, in the end it all didn't work. We got married and soon had you. Looking bad at it all I wouldn't change anything or go back in time and picked the money over your mom. My life would be nothing with out you guys" He had the biggest, warmst smile I have ever seen on his face. But deep down I knew he wanted to cry. He still misses mommy and I miss her too. I held back the tears til dinner was done then I ran to my room and my dad to his were we both fell to sleep crying. My dad over his lost love and me over the boy I can never have.


                 I feel so bad for everyone in the story and almost cried :( I hope it has a lot of good details? If not sorry! But it is a short story after all...

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