chapter 4: On the Road Again

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"Time to go!" Mo called as she was going to the van.

"Coming!" The Fudo called out before sighing, not happy about this move.

"Well, this is it..." Akito sighed sharply. "Goodbye old house... Hello eight hour drive..."

"This kinda reminds me of the eight hour bus ride I took with Cherry and Patch to Las Vegas." Atticus commented.

"Didn't we get there by a limo?" Patch asked.

"Yeah, but we took the bus first that picked up Cherry, remember?" Atticus prompted.

"Oh, that's right..." Patch remembered now, he then sighed, missing Teller very much right now.

As soon as the kids with their Pokemon in their pokeballs and their pets got into the van, with their parents, and Scamp, Angel, Patch, and Colette they were ready. Once they were all set, Atticus started driving away, leaving their old house behind. And thus, without any of them knowing, started a brand new adventure. Akito, Estelle, and Vincent stared out the back window and frowned as they hung their heads as they were leaving their world behind.

"Maybe things will get better." Dot said.

Mo smiled, she then yawned and started to fall asleep. While everyone else went to sleep, Atticus continued to drive until they would arrive at Southdale and their new house. The Fudo siblings eventually fell asleep since it was such a long way to Southdale, but they were still rather unhappy about this new experience they were forced into. But during the car ride there, each of the Fudo siblings had a vision.

Atticus kept driving while Mo was asleep. The Fudo siblings kept seeing four images of kids around their age that seemed to be fighting like super spies or secret agents. And where one of them, the oldest of the four, caught Estelle's attention.

"Who are they?" Akito wondered.

"I don't know, but I can't wait to find out..." Estelle had a rather eager smirk on her face.

Akito and Vincent rolled their eyes slightly once they realized these figures were boys. Girls...

"Just try not to go boy crazy when we meet them." Vincent said.

"I'll try." Estelle smiled.

"Good..." Akito lowered his head in relief.

Suddenly, they were placed in a public school hallway with lockers. They looked around until a trapdoor opened on them and they fell through it, screaming as a flash of white light shined in their eyes.

"First stop!" Atticus called, pulling the van to a gas station that had food and a restroom.

"Huh, what?" The Fudo siblings asked, waking up.

Mo looked to the backseats. "First stop, you gotta go to the bathroom or feel hungry, better go now."

The Fudo siblings went out of the van to stretch their legs and take care of business if they needed to until they would drive again.

"Did you guys have the same vision I had?" Estelle asked.

"What did you have a vision about?" Akito asked.

"I saw four boys," Estelle explained. "They looked around our age..."

"Well, I did." Vincent spoke up.

"I actually I think three of them were boys, but one of them was actually a girl." Akito said.

"One of them was a girl?" Vincent looked curious.

"Yeah, it was a little hard to tell, but yeah..." Akito explained. "Kinda reminded me of Totally Spies for some reason."

"Yeah, same here." Estelle smiled.

Akito and Estelle Go To SouthdaleWhere stories live. Discover now