Chapter 6

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Dark's Point of View

I've spent hours looking for Anti. He was nowhere to be seen. "ANTI, YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I screamed. He didn't answer. "Where the fuck is he?" I asked myself. As I continued walking through the forest, looking for a dumbass, I came across a figure. "Anti?" I asked the figure. No answer. "Anti? Fucking answer me," I growled and walked closer to the figure. "Oh, hello, Dark," The figure finally spoke and spun around.

"Wilford-- I mean, Sir, what're you doing here?"

"I've heard about your incident."

"With Anti?"

"Yes, and the girl."

"Oh, yeah."

"So, you're out here to find Anti, aren't you?"

"Uh, yes, Sir."

"Find him, and control the girl."

"I'm trying Sir."

"And, Dark?"

"Yes, Sir?"

"Don't fall in love with the girl, you or Anti."

I nodded and watched him disappear into pink fog, instantly being by myself once again. Time to find Anti.

My Point of View

"Coast is clear," I said and walked out, going to the stairs. "Dark must've left." The entire house was quiet, deadly quiet. I wasn't one to get scared easily, but this sent chills to dance up and down my spine, making me get the random shivers. "Dark? Anti? Anyone?" I called out throughout the house. It stood silent. "Don't why I bothered to do that," I sighed at my stupidity and kept searching for them. Suddenly I came across a door that looked to be heading down the stairs, a basement of sort. "I'm gonna be in some deep shit for doing this, but here goes nothing!" I exclaimed and turned the knob. Darkness instantly greeted me, along with a twisty staircase. Slowly but surely, I descended down the stairs and when I did, my eyes widened.

Dark's Point of View

"Fuckin' Hell, where'd he go?" I asked myself, still on the hunt for Anti. Then, I saw another figure, back to me, smoking maybe, and a lit fire. "Wilford, I thought I already had a conversation with you. I gotta find Anti," I told the sitting figure.

"I'm not the Boss, dumbass," The figure responded.


"Duh! Who else ya moron?"

"Dude! What the Hell?"

"What'd I do this time?"

"I've been looking for you for hours!"


"And? Where the Hell were you?"

"Traveling, killing, smoking."

"Without me?"



"Where's the kid?"

"I left her behind because she was being a whiny child and I don't do well with whiny."

"You mean, crying?"


"Shocker. Thought she didn't have a heart."

I shrugged and motioned Anti to follow me back to the house when he stopped me in my tracks. "Why'd you call me Wilford?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I looked at him and then away. "He wanted to talk," I said back and kept walking, dragging a clinging Anti with me. "That's not what I wanted," He growled. I shoved his hand off my sleeve. "I'll explain later."

My Point of View

"Mark?!" I nearly shouted out of happiness and ran over to him, squeezing him. "Ow," He moaned. "Sorry," I apologized and examined him. He had cuts everywhere on his arms, deep and not, his right eye looked like it was punched multiple times and his nose was gushing blood. "Mark, what happened?" I asked and cleaned him with my shirt.

"Dark, Anti..." He trailed off.

"What'd those assholes do to you?"

"They're planning something.. OW!"

"Sorry! What're they planning?"


"Mark?! Mark, can you hear me? Don't you dare die on me now!" I shouted and looked around. Nothing was of use to me, but I saw another human figure. At least, that's what I'm hoping it is. I got up from my knees and walked towards it. There was only one light, unfortunately, that helped me know it was Mark since he was in the lighting. But, I couldn't make out this person in the dark side of the basement. I gently knelt down and instantly felt blood speeding down my wrists. "Jack?"   

Hi!(: If you're reading this, you made it to the end! As I type this, I am writing more chapters for this story and have put aside my PAX Prime story just to finish this one! This story, sadly, will only have about five more chapters and MIGHT have a sequel! Sorry I haven't updated this soon enough:( This week had been hectic with schooling and I put this story off for quite some time just for homework and naps :p. High school takes a toll on you, but I'm BACK with new chapters coming REAL SOON! So, enjoy this one while I finish the other chapters I am currently working on! Again, thank you checking my story out, means a lot! Bye! ♥

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