Chapter 4

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I woke up somewhere I had not expected: a bedroom the size of a castle. Its windows were so tall, they almost reached the top of a beautifully painted ceiling. The bed was a long and squared one, with black, gray, and white sheets covering it. Hovering over the bed, there was an opened canopy with long, black drapes covering the corners of the bed. It felt like royalty, until I heard the tall, slender door creak open. I sat up and looked straight at the door to find Anti and Dark coming in. "Get out!" I shouted and face planted back into the big, fluffy pillows. "Sorry Sweetheart, but you do realize that this is my room," Dark informed me and then I heard the sound of footsteps approach the bed. Eventually, the footsteps stopped echoing in the room and heard heavy breathing. I didn't dare look up from the pillows, until someone ripped the blankets off my body.

"Hey! What the hell?!" I yelled, glaring at Anti.

"I'd apologize, but that would be too nice. So, I will simply say, GET UP AND STOP BEING A BITCH!" He replied, shouting back, and then smirking. More glares were shot at him as I got out of the bed.

"Why am I here anyway?" I asked, putting my hair in a somewhat loose bun.

"We told you long frickin' time ago. Open your ears and listen, dammit."

"Easy Anti, relax," Dark calmed Anti.

He grunted and crossed his arms, looking away from both Dark and I.

"You are simply here because of our good and innocent, precious sides," Dark explained.

"You mean--"

"Your brother, Mark, and his pretty close friend, Sean."

"Oh... kay... what about them though?" I raised an eyebrow.



Anti's Point of View

I stormed out the room, only to be caught by Dark. "What?" I asked, irritation rising in my voice. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, just outside (Y/N)'s "room".

"You need to control your anger," Dark warned.

"Well, (Y/N) needs to control her smarts," I shot back.



"Stop being an asshole."

"Dark, Buddy, we're Demons. We are not nice, nor do we know what "nice" means."


"You like her, don'tcha?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"No!" He looked away, blushing and lying.

"Aww, Darkidoom has got a crush on a human... BARF!" I laughed and walked away, leaving him dumbfounded and blushing.

My Point of View

Just as my hand touched the doorknob, I heard Dark and Anti. My eyes widened at the thought of Dark having a crush on me. He's still my brother, even if he is a Demon, I thought. I let go of the knob and thought twice about opening it. Then, a sudden bang appeared at my door. "(Y/N)! WE'D LIKE TO SEE YOU IN THE DINING ROOM... PLEASE?" Anti growled the last word and walked away. I exhaled a sigh of relief and popped open the door, making my way down the long, spiraled staircase. My eyes widen in awe as I took each step down. Finally, I found the dining room and that mutual feeling came back. It was a kitchen entirely coloured in gray, white and black, a massive and dustless, shiny chandelier hung from the high ceiling, a long, slender table stretched across the long and darkened room. "Glad you could join us, Babe," Dark greeted and escorted me to a seat. "No, don't start this bullshit," I snapped and took my seat.

"Why not, darling?" He asked, doing it on purpose.

"You son of a Bitch! I said ENOUGH WITH THE FUCKING NICKNAMES!" I screamed and scooted my chair out, stomping off.

Anti's Point of View

"Goddammit Dark! You just pissed her off!" I growled and walked to catch (Y/N). "Like you're gonna help her calm down ya psycho!" Dark shouted back. I rolled my eyes and caught up with her. "Wait!" I called out and grabbed her wrist.

"Let go, dammit!" She flinched.

"C'mon, I know I'm an asshole but--"

"But nothing, Anti! I don't wanna be here! I hate it here! I miss Mark... and Jack."

I could see it in her eyes that she actually felt pain after being a complete bitch and just wanted everything back. "I-- I'm sorry, (Y/N)," I stuttered. Her eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, what?" She was taken aback.

"Don't make me repeat those horrifying words again."



"For what? Being a complete asshole towards me?"

"Everything," I muttered. She walked off into her "room" and slammed the door. I sighed and face palmed, earning a Dark to come up and investigate.

"So, how'd it go?"


"Don't wanna talk about it?"

"..." It's just, her bitchy and asshole side makes her the most awesome girl for me, but she's obviously in love with Sean, I thought. Dark must've heard because I earned a toothy grin from him. "You like her, don'tcha Anti?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. "...No," I mumbled, clearly lying. "Dude, let's get one thing straight: a girl with mixed personalities, like (Y/N), only falls for the Good Guys. They never fall for us," He replied and sighed. He's right. She'll only fall for the Good Guys while we sit in the shadows and be assumed as the Bad Guys, even if we are.  

Hey, look! It's new chapter after a week! Sorry it took so long for this. I got a bit lazy to finish it, but I powered through it! More chapters coming soon! Ooo, before I forget, I'm starting another story(; It's about PAX Prime 2015 and that's all I can say. Hopefully, this story will come to a close so that I can MAYBE do a sequel and finish the other one(: I've had lots of ideas lately and I'm very excited to share them with you all! Thanks for reading this far! ♥

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