Chapter 14

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I spent my morning puking in the toilet and haven't moved for almost twenty minutes. If I'm planning on doing this for the next seven months, I better get use to it. "Hey, (N/n)?" Someone called out from the other side of the bathroom door. I turned my head to look at the now opened door with droopy eyes. "Yes, Mark?" I yawned, but still smiled at him. He came over to me and slid down the wall to be at my level and held me close. "Why so tired, Sis? Didn't get enough sleep last night?" He chuckled lightly. I smiled at his laugh but shook my head in disagreement. "No, I did not. I, uh, had a visitor last night at, like, two in the morning," I told him.

"And who was that visit--"

"Anti. The most annoying little fuck."

"Ah geez. What'd he have to say?"

"He, uh, said some things..."


"That the baby was his and not Sean's," I admitted. Mark let out a heavy sigh and stood up, hand on the doorknob. "Well, when Jack gets here, ask him about it, okay? I'm sure he'll know."

Two Hours Later

I can hear Mark talking to Jack all the way downstairs. My hands started to get clammy and cold; more cold than normal. I was feeling queasy and lightheaded, and it wasn't from the "morning" sickness. I slowly got off of my bed and headed to the door when I stopped in my tracks. What if Anti is right? What if it's not Sean's? That's stupid. I would know if I did anything with that asshole, right? I thought to myself and opened my door, heading down the stairs.

There, in the kitchen, I can see Jack and Mark talking and laughing while sipping cups of coffee. The scent was lingering and tempting. They took sips of their mouth-watering coffee and turned their heads to look at me. Both gave me warm smiles as I seated myself at the kitchen table.

"Hey, Sis," Mark greeted. I smiled and waved, but turned to Sean. His smile was always so adorable and could melt me in a second, but I resisted. "Hey, Darling," He was about to kiss my left cheek when I stopped him, making him retreat back into his seat with a quizzical look on his concerned face.

"Is something wrong, Babe?" He asked, taking yet another sip of his coffee. I bit down on my lip as I watched him drink it. The coffee was tempting, but so was he. I wanted to splash kisses all over his face, leaving glossy marks on him, but I couldn't risk it.

"Huh? Oh, yeah-- I mean no," I corrected myself. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"You sure there's nothing wrong? You seem a bit distraught about something."

"Uh," I looked over to Mark, seeing him with a "Tell Him Now" look and took a deep breath, looking back at Sean. "I need to talk to you, privately," I told him. Right away, he gave me such a concerned look and frowned a bit. He drank the remains of his coffee and said, "Okay, let's go to your room--"

"No! I mean," I stopped and looked up at him, seeing confusion glimmering in his deep blue eyes. He knew I was acting more strange than normal.

"(Y/n)? What's going on?" His voice got a bit deeper and quieter than usual. I sighed and grabbed onto his hand, leading up the staircase into my room. I let go and gently threw him in, quickly shutting the door behind us. I turned my head back to him, seeing he had his arms crossed with an upset expression. "(Y/n)," He started. "What're you doing? What's going on?"

"Jack, do you remember all the times we had sex? " I blurted out and saw him go wide-eyed.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Do you?" I pressured him.

"I-- no," He answered and continued. "I only remember the after-sex part, nothing more." My heart dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from his mouth.

"So, it was Anti?" I pressed onto him.

"What? No, don't be silly, Babe. Of course it wasn't--" He met my eyes and stopped mid-sentence. I knew he was lying. "Yeah, it was," He confessed. I wasn't sure if it was the hormones of pregnancy or not, but I dropped to the floor and broke out in tears, leaving Jack in more confusion. He lowered himself to my level and pulled me in for a hug, massaging my head and slowly rocking back and forth. "What did that Bastard do to you?" He growled in anger. I pulled myself together and continued. "He said that this was his child and not yours. I didn't believe him at first but--" I trailed off, not wanting to think about it.

"But what?"

"But I guess it's true."  

 Hey! I've updated with a new chapter! Turns out I only wrote one, but I will get on the second one ASAP. Just give me time and I will have the LAST chapter finished. Yes, this book is coming to a close within one more chapter;-; There might be a sequel? OH! Guess what? We hit 200+ reads on this story! That makes me incredibly happy. Thank you guys so much! You sassy people are AMAZING!♥ Okay, well, I'll go since I'm rambling again, lol. I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU GUYS TO BITS!♥


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