Chapter 1

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Mulan's Pov
The dismissal bell had just rung and all my students were leaving class to get home. I'm a high school English teacher.

"Class don't forget the parent teacher conferences are after school" I said cleaning up

"Ms.Thomas my dad wanted to meet my teachers for the subjects that in struggling in" one of students said

"Well Jade I'll be here untill 5:30 so tell your dad he can come to the school for conferences" I said

"Okay thanks Ms. Thomas" Jade said walking out the classroom

Two hours later
I had just finished grading one classes folder and I had four classes more to go. I was putting the folders back in the bin when a parent walked in.

"Ummmmm Ms. Thomas I'm Jade's dad" he said

"Hi Mr.. ... Kevin Schroeder? " I said

"Hey Mulan" he said

"You need to leave....... now" I said

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where my baby is" he said

"Kevin this is not the time or the place to talk about MY kids" I said

"There not just your kids you know" he said

"Kevin you locked me in a closet for almost two weeks and raped me and now your asking where your kids are. There more my kids then yours. YOUR child is standing in the hallway talking to her friends" I said

"Mulan it's not the same with Jade" he said

"How ,you have a child thats all you asked for I had to go through the torture and suffer the pain all because you wanted something and now that I'm not giving it away I'm the one to blame" I said in tears

"GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM......... Mr. Schroeder please leave my classroom now" I demanded

"Your lil boyfriend ain't got nothing on me I'll be back for you if it's the last thing I do" he said leaving

I sat down and continued to grade papers until 5:30. I locked my classroom door and walked to my car. I stopped pass chick-fil-la and got some food for the twins and something for Shawn.

Me and Shawn have been fighting for a while it all started the night that we found out that Kevin was the twins biological father. We were fighting because I thought I shouldn't tell Shawn because of all the drama. Shawn disagreed. Shawn believed that even though there aren't his kids he's gonna be there father because there father is a psycho.

I walking in to the house carrying the food in my arms.

"Ma Ma I misses you" Ouzara said running towards me

"Hi baby girl" I said putting the bags down so I could scoop her up

"Ma Ma aunt Kee said call her cause she wanna talk about your day" she said

"Okay baby go get Nagessa so y'all can eat" I said putting her down

"Did I get food too"Shawn asked

"Yeah OMG guess who's daughter is in my English class" I said

" Ummmmmmm I don't know who" he said

"Kevin Schroeder" I said

" The guy who you dated that raped you,locked you in the closet,and is the twins dad? he asked whispering  that last part

"Yeah I saw him earlier he was at the school for parent teacher conferences" I said

"What did he say because I know damn well he didn't come up there to ask about his child's grades" he asked

Here the fuck he go. Why can't he just be asking about his damn child.

"Shawn it was a parent teacher conference he asked about his child" I said

"Which child was he talking about" he asked

"The twins " I said sighing

"Stay the hell away from Kevin Mulan I mean it" he said standing

"Your not my boyfriend, husband, and damn sure not my daddy, you can't tell me what to do Shawn" I said

"Mulan I'm the father of your kids and the one who is trying to protect you from that that man who gave you physical and mental scares and bruises that you can't cover up" he said walking towards the door

"Shawn do we have to do this again cause I truly don't want to" I said getting the food out the bags

"Mulan I just want what's best for you and -" he said

"Daddy are you and mommy fighting again" Nagessa asked waking into the kitchen rubbing his eyes

"Gee Gee me and mommy are just talking buddy" he said

"Then why is mommy crying daddy" he asked pointing at me

"I'm sorry for making mommy cry I'm going to go home and think about my actions, I've been a bad daddy" he said

"Can I talk to you outside" I said

"Stop doing that" I said wiping my face

"Doing what" he asked

" Stop making the kids seem like your a bad person then when they get older there not gonna like you" I said

"Look Tee I'm going home I'll see you in the morning to drop the kids off at school" he said walking away

"Shawn what the hell is wrong with you, I know where having problems but you have never been like this except for why I was with-" I said

"Is this about Kevin" I asked

"Night Mulan" he said walking down the step towards his range

I will never understand him.

I walked back I'm the house and got the twins in there high chairs so they could eat.

I had just put the twins to bed and I was ready to go myself when my phone chimed signaling I had a text message.

😍Shawn😘- Tee Tee I didn't wash the twins and Ouzara needs her cream she didn't get any today

Me- I already washed the twins Harper and I gave Zara her cream

😍Shawn😘- Oh okay I was just letting you know

Me- Oh yeah thanks

I put my phone on the charger then went to sleep. I have another long day tomorrow.


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