Chapter 8

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Mulan's Pov

All day long my students have been coming to see me and the new edition to my new family. I had finally gotten a break from all these damn visitors. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in " I slightly yelled

"Hi Ms. Thomas i brought you a gift for your babies" Jade said as she entered my room

Oh hell Naw Only one person could have brought her here.

"Awww are these them omg they are so little and soo cute" Jade said standing beside the little beds that the twins were in.

I had the nurses put them in a closed bed because i dint want no one breathing on them and getting them sick.

" Thank you" i said

"Ms. Thomas when will you be back to work the substitutes for out class is so rude" jade asked

"Im not sure yet but ill see if i can get your class a better Sub" i said

"Alright. What are there names, they are so beautiful" She said

"Sanaya and Thandi and thank you Hun" I said

"Awwwwwwwwww" She said

"How did you get here Jade, did your Grandmother bring you" i asked

"No my dad did he wanted to know if it would be okay to see the babies and talk to you about my grade shift" she said

" Grade shift what happened" I asked

"Well the sub that we have isnt giving the work to Ms. Carlpone to be graded she is just trowing it in the trash or giving us false grades and my grade dropped fro and A to a D. My dad is not happy" she said

"Well have you been doing the work that needs to be graded" I asked

"Yes but the Sub gave us a random quiz and everyone failed and all our grades dropped" She said

Just then there was another knock on the door

"Come in" I said

In walked the Damn devil himself.

"Hey JaJa sit ouside so i can talk to you teacher pls" Kevin said

"Yes Sir" She said

"Hi Ms. Thomas Im gonna keep my distance from you and your babies who are beautiful by the way" He said sitting near the door

"Its Mrs. Harper now and thank you , now what do you want to talk about" I said

"Oh Congratulation and i was wondering if there was some extra credit you could email the kids or something cause they are all gonna fail your class and i think we need to tell Jade about your relationship to her" He said

"Well i can see about some extra credit for them and i honestly don't know Kevin" I said

"Can i at least meet my kids ive never seen them before besides a picture you threw at me" He said

"You would see why im very skeptical a bout because of our history right? " I asked

"Yeah but Mulan i've change despite how much you may not believe me i have changed not just for Jades' sake for the sake of ever seeing my kids"he said

"Ill have to see im not against you seeing your kids but im just worried about their safety" i said

"Do they even know that Shawn isnt their father?" He asked

"How do you explain to two little kids that their father isnt their father they're too young for that" I said sighing

There was knock at the door, then the door opened.

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