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Conrad: Judicorn?

Conrad: seriously. you haven't talked to me in like 6 days. I miss you. 

Conrad: please come back

Conrad: can you at least tell me if you're okay? because I'm starting to get worried

Conrad: are you okay?

Judicorn: idk. 

Judicorn has left the conversation. 


Judicorn: hi

Conrad: why did you ignore me for so long

Judicorn: i was just trying to figure something out

Conrad: figure what out?

Judicorn: I have to tell you something

Conrad: anything. you can trust me. 

Judicorn: i'm gay. 

Conrad: really? cool. did you think i wouldn't be okay with that because like...

Judicorn: no i knew you would be I'm just stressed rn

Conrad: you're fine. I get it, the whole finding yourself thing. 

Judicorn: yeah lol

Conrad: so do you like any boys? *eyebrow wiggle*

Judicorn: there's this one...

Conrad: OOH! is he cute? is he gay? does he treat you well?

Judicorn: wow overbearing mother much?

Conrad: sush I'm just protecting the bae

Judicorn: so I'm the bae now?

Conrad: is that not cool?

Judicorn: no it is lol

Conrad: so answer my questions

Judicorn: Yes, he is vv cute, idk if he's gay, and i wouldn't know if he treated me well because i don't really know him. 

Judicorn: what's urs like?

Conrad: well, he's really kind. i don't know him that well either but he just is never mean to anyone and one time he bought this kid lunch who didn't have any money with him that day, and then he didn't have enough money for himself. he's all innocent and he just seems to care about anyone. 

Judicorn: lol i did that once.

Conrad: oh cool. well then you're really kind too. 

Judicorn: *blushes* why thank you kind sir

Conrad: *tips hat* 

Conrad: you should talk to that boy you like. he would be an idiot to not like you. 

Judicorn: well thanks, but I don't think I can. 

Conrad: why not? 

Judicorn: idk. 

Judicorn has left the conversation. 

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