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Conrad: are you still mad at me

Judicorn: no

Judicorn: i was never mad at you

Conrad: then why haven't you spoken to me in 4 days

Judicorn: i've been distracted

Conrad: by what

Judicorn: I'm just confused. the guy I like is being relly nice to me and just being super sweet and awesome but I still don't know if he's gay or bisexual

Conrad: omg I am having the exact same problem lol

Judicorn: haha so what's his name

Conrad: Jude. 

Judicorn: what

Conrad: his name is Jude

Judicorn: oh

Conrad: what?

Judicorn: where in California do you live

Conrad: Judicorn its really late and I'm really confused so just tell me whats going on

Judicorn: just tell me dammit 

Conrad: woah. you Never cuss. 

Conrad: San Diego

Judicorn: ugh oh my god what school do you go to

Conrad: we're not even telling each other our names and you expect me to tell you my school

Judicorn: Anchor Beach

Conrad: how did you know that

Judicorn: youre like really tired right? you're not gonna rememebr this in the morning right?

Conrad: probably not until i read the messages yeah

Judicorn: delete them.

Conrad: why? i don't want to delete everything we've ever said to each other

Judicorn: well you're going to and if you don't I'm never speaking to you again

Conrad: fine.

Judicorn: fine.

Conrad: Judicorn

Judicorn: Yeah?

Conrad: are you happy?

Judicorn: idk. 

Judicorn has left the conversation. 

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