Dear Adelina Veransin,
You were there for me when I needed it.
With all my problems going on you stood by my side, well more like held me by my side. I kept falling from all the damage that was being done and I couldn't bare it on my own. The way my father was treating me, the way my mother's voice would raise, the way my brother hasn't uttered a single word. You held me through it all and for that I'm grateful.
When at school the so-called "jealous" kids who forever taunted me, you stood your ground as I fell and embraced it. You were my wall of strength when I couldn't hold the weight of their words.
You had a smile that felt like angels graced my presence. Your laugh was so contagious it could pull me out of my misery for a few moments.
But that's the thing,
only for a few moments.
When I was alone at home with the family that oh so dear loves me, taking in their foul and painful treatment you would sit with a loving and caring family who do care if they are the reason your insecurities rule your life, if they are the reason all you wear is long sleeves and have to paint your own body to cover the marks they have caused.
Mine were never like that.
Your family brought you joy, mine brought misery and fear. Your family took the time to love and nourish you, mine made my purpose to serve them. But I never envied you, never got jealous, never thought foully of you, nothing negative came to my mind no matter how hard I tried. I was grateful for that, I didn't need any more horrid thoughts and emotions living inside of me.
For years I was hanging by a thread. You were one of the pieces of it. I was always broken but you kept me from completely shattering but now the thread ripped. I'm plummeting into a darkness I have always stared at wondering how much pain it would take to fall into it.
Turns out it wasn't that much more I had to endure.
But I do thank you for the memories, I thank you for holding on to me for as long as you could. So don't cry over me as you say goodbye, smile through the tears because I am now happy.
Besides, I now get to meet Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, the two men we always raved on and on about.
I do love you Adelina so don't fret. I shall always remain in your heart.
Yours forever, Veronica
448 words
30 letters
Short Story"Goodnight, you said; goodbye, I said. And you never thought twice about it" Yours forever, Veronica Wemsworth *inspired by the 30 day letter challenge* cover made by @neces-sarah-ly *Edited*