Dear Jonah Wemsworth,
I've always been proud of you even if you did avoid me like the plague.
I'm sorry for leaving you alone with mum and dad but I couldn't deal with all this pain anymore. I lived in misery for 18 years while you were living in the lap of luxury for 15.
"What was mine is yours and what is yours is yours."
Mum and dad reminded me of that every time I got something new. All those gifts you received were bought by me for myself, I hid anything valuable because I knew mum would find it and claim she bought this for you for no apparent reason.
I never did get mad.
I was frustrated but never mad.
I always did wonder why you ignored me all these years. Until the age of 12 we were always close until your 13th birthday you acted like we had a life long rivalry. One day we were the best of friends the next I was your sworn enemy.
I do hope my departure from this world makes you happy. I only wanted that, your love. I didn't care from mum and dad that expectation died long ago but you were a big impact on my life.
Looks like I'll never know, but that's fine and remember it may look like I don't love you but I do, more than you know.
I miss you.
Yours forever, Veronica
242 words
30 letters
Short Story"Goodnight, you said; goodbye, I said. And you never thought twice about it" Yours forever, Veronica Wemsworth *inspired by the 30 day letter challenge* cover made by @neces-sarah-ly *Edited*