Chapter 1

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Katniss ran through the crowded hallway with Haymitch at her heels.

The big board by the nurse's station stated that Peeta had been assigned to the room at the far end of the corridor.

She grabbed her mentor's hand and she ran, as fast as she could, towards it.

Right before reaching the room, she stopped for an instant and turned around to look at her mentor's face.

The older man's forehead was covered in sweat, but his eyes sparkled and a happy smile danced on his lips. She couldn't remember a time when she'd seen him this happy.

Reading the questioning look in her eyes, he explained, "The boy's back."

Katniss nodded in understanding and smiled. Letting go of her mentor's hand; she turned towards the door and pushed.

The door swung open and Katniss rushed over to Peeta's bedside.

Two nurses were standing next to him; they were talking in hushed voices while looking over a chart, they silently moved away from the bed to grant her access.

There he was, lying unconscious on a hospital bed. He looked so pale, so helpless. There was a nasty cut on his lower lip and his left eyelid was swollen and had a purplish hue. His blond curls were dirty and matted on his forehead.

She reached out and delicately brushed the back of her hand across his cheek, his skin was as soft as she remembered but she was surprised at how cold he was. She leaned over and softly pressed her lips to his temple, "you're safe" she whispered, "you're safe".

Relief washed over her and she gave into it. Tears welled behind her eyes as a smile turned up her lips.

She longed to hold him close, to climb into bed and wrap her arms around him; to share her warmth with him and never let go.

She was about to follow her instincts, when she was startled by a voice.

"Miss Everdeen, may I talk to you for a moment?"

Reluctantly, she turned around to look at the thin man standing by the doorway.

He was wearing the same white coat that all doctors in the district wore, she vaguely remembered seeing him around during her days in the medical facilities.

"I'm dr. Cole," he said, "I have been assigned to Mr. Mellark's case. I'd like to have a word with you in my office, if that's alright."

"Yes... I... I just want to be here when he wakes up," she replied.

Her right hand moved instinctively along Peeta's arm, searching for his outstretched fingers, she laced them with hers.

"Don't worry, miss Everdeen, he won't be waking up any time soon."

Instantly, her whole body tensed up.

"Why? What's happened to him?" She could feel anxiety radiating from her. She took a deep breath trying to recover the sense of wellbeing she'd felt just moments before.

She didn't succeed.

"Relax, miss Everdeen, he's alright. We just administered a fresh dose of morphling into his system. He needs to rest, and the nurses need to clean up his wounds. If you could just come with me to my office I'll explain everything."

A quick glance in Haymitch's direction told her that her mentor wasn't going anywhere.

With a small nod he reassured her of his intentions. She knew she could trust him to keep an eye on Peeta.

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