I'm crying

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Okay this is the most fuckin true thing in life On Mondays in my advisory class, we get to talk about our weekend.. I always talk about Justin. He always makes fun of me and calls him a crack head and then the whole class agrees besides like a couple girls. I always try to make him stop and change his view of Justin.. Last Monday 11-30-15 I was the last person to talk.. I talked about Justin and kept explaining about how amazing he is to me. You know what my teacher did? He took of my shoe and threw it across the room, everyone laughed and left. I was so embarrassed. :/ All he did was laugh and go to his desk. I wanted to cry but I couldn't.. The next day he acts like nothing happened.. I swear on my entire life, MY ENTIRE FREAKING LIFE this actually happened

Thanks guys for siting through this. If you actually did :) Sorry for not updating recently, I'm almost done with part one of the next imagine.


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