5.Bedtime story~

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Lucy's POV

"It's time for bed!" I shouted. Since Nalu has been pulling Natsu in every single night, I told him it was better to stay at my house for the time being than give me heart attack in the morning.

As of the moment, Natsu and Nalu have been jumping and rolling on the bed. Happy didn't join them though as he was busy playing cards with Plue.



"Ne,plue...lets play some cards. Im bored"


"If I win you must give me the fish that you got from the spirit world and if you win....i'll let you ride on my back for a day!"


*end of flashback*

Their battle was intense, even if the battle was just to get four of the same cards, both wanted to win their prize. Happy was in hard concentration when the biggest mistake happened. He let go of a lucky card. It took him a minute to progress his mistake and when he did, it was over.

"Pun..pun..pun" Plue shouted as he managed to get four aces after picking a card. Happy made a dramatic scene of defeat by glooming in a corner while Plue did a victory dance.

"Hooray for Plue!" Nalu clapped his hands as both had watched the climax of the game. After receiving a bow from Plue, he evaporates and goes back to the spirit world. Both of them looked at me and groaned.

"LUSHI,why did u send Plue back?" Natsu whined

"It's time for bed" I said,waving Plue's key

The two squirmed on the bed and began to get comfy while I placed my keys back in the drawer. As i gets on the bed and was ready for some shut eye, Nalu began pulling the hem of my pajamas.

"What is it?" i asked. Natsu was just across me was also wondering what the little boy wanted.

"Bed time story!" he chimed. Natsu liked the idea and chimed in with him "Bed time story! Bed time story!"

"Alright..." I said giving in "what story would you like?"

"A story with castles!" Nalu smiled.

"And there should be meat! Lots of them!" Natsu tapped his stomach.

"And a cat!" Happy added with a smile as he tucks himself to sleep on the couch.

"Alright, alright...Once upon a time..." i started.

"There was a man who had three sons. They loved their lives in content and survives from their business of grinding noodles. The father was a hardworking man, and would even go beyond his limit. With his recklessness, a very tragic thing happened. At a very young age, he dies, leaving his three sons to cut the heritage to themselves."

"Whats heritage mummy?" nalu asked

"it means to continue their business...now can I continue?"

"Yes mummy!"

"The oldest took this as an opportunity and had taken over the business. He planned to turn it into a large success and earn a lot of money. The middle son didn't like what the eldest decided and took all the money that the Store had in its inventory. This left the youngest to complain. What was left for him now that his two eldest brothers took everything?" I paused for a quick breath and than continued..

"The middle son told him not to worry so much and left him with some copper coins and a cat. Hating his brothers at how selfish they are, he sets out for a trip; his only baggage is a few copper coins and the cat. As he traveled a long way, he was tired and fell flat on the ground. He mutters how angry he was at his brother for taking away the business and the money. Now, he has none left."

"what did the cat do?" happy asked

"I'm about to get to that part"

"So the cat said to to the man: "Do not worry, master. Just buy me a boot and a sack"

The youngest did as he was told and used up all of his money to buy him a pair of boots and a sack.

"Now wait here, Master" it said as it began to travel. The boy asked where he was heading and had begged him to not leave him alone, but it just told him not to worry.In the far end of the woods, it used the sack and set up a trap. It waited for a long time until it caught something."

"DID THE CAT EAT THE CATCH???" happy said excitedly

"No..he did not and stop interrupting me happy"

"sorry" happy said sheepishly

"The cat was happy at his catch and continued his way into a kingdom where a king lives. Before he could enter the gates, guards had made him stop, saying that cats were not allowed into the kingdom."But I am no ordinary cat, I have boots" he showed off his little boots.The guards considered it and had let him passed. The boots weren't needed to be showed though, since a talking cat was already not just any ordinary cat.The little cat continued down the halls and had met up with the king and the princess."

"I present you a gift from my Master" the cat announced.

"The princess was thrilled at the gift and appreciated it very much. This continued on for many days. The cat would continue to return gifs every day, saying that it came from his master.At first was a cow, then a crab and soon a maid. More number of gifts came of different varieties that it had taken the peak of interest of the princess.The princess was already falling in love with the master of the cat even though she hadn't met him and had wished to meet him soon. She didn't know that all this was according to the Cat's plan."

"He had waited until the princess asked him to let her see his master. When the cat agrees, they set forth to the woods. As they headed to the forest, the cat introduced his master. When the princess shoves a bush from her sight, she never expected what she saw. Having been left in the woods for a long time, the youngest son had turned barbaric, beating animals and shouting 'meat' once he found a prey. As she witnesses his behavior, she turns around and immediately leaves."


At the end of the story Natsu and Nalu had fallen asleep. Happy was also snoring at the couch. Nalu clutches onto Natsu's vest while his other hand holds onto my pajamas. I smiled. I brushed off hair from his face and kissed his forehead. Nalu smiled

With that, i wanted to try something. I brushed off hair that fling onto Natsu's face and couldn't help but giggle when he smiled just the same as Nalu. At the same time, both Boys scratch their tummies and let out a relieved sigh. Like father like son if you could say so yourself.

Without self awareness, I kissed Natsu's forehead just like I did it to Nalu. "Night, you two" i mumbled as I slowly fell asleep.

Nalu's POV

I opened my eyes. A smile formed on my lips.I sat up, looked around and found Natsu's left hand and Lucy's right hand. As I layed down I crossed their wrist and entwines both of their hand on me. I thought it would be hard, but guess what, Natsu's hand instinctively grips on Lucy's hand, and Lucy does the same. Seriously these two were meant to be together.

I said a soft good night to them both before i fell into a deep sleep




ME:you guys seriously look good together

Lucy: *blush*S-shina-san....

Me hohohohoho ;)


Me:thanks Erza :3

Erza no problem

Me: one more thing...ANYBODY OUT THERE KNOW UTA NO PRINCE SAMA???? O_O if you do please comment ><


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