Chapter One

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Dear Diary,

Most teenagers have had a kiss before they hit the age of eighteen. Heck, most kids have done a lot more than that. Well I, Paige Somers, have not. I'm just not like all the confident girls at school. I happen to be the most virgin girl to walk the hallways at Huntington Beach High School.

And before you ask, no I'm not proud of that. You see, I happen to be so completely virgin, that most boys won't even look my way without running to church and asking for forgiveness. At least that's what my best friend Savannah says.

Sadly though, I believe her.

Savannah says that most guys only enter relationships for one thing. Physical Contact. She swears up and down that if you're not able to provide something in that area besides hugs then it’s a no.

Now, I've had offers from guys, and I've been on dates, but I'm about to be eighteen and I've never been kissed. This is my senior year. If I don't gain some sort of experience, how am I supposed to survive in college?

I sighed and closed my diary, ready to head to school.


I'm currently out with Savannah and our other friend Averi. Averi Nielson appears to be just as innocent as me, but that's just the thing. She only appears that way. She's much more experienced in the making out area as far as I know. I get the notion that my friends keep things from me because they don't think my virgin ears can handle hearing it. Where was I? Oh yes.

So, we're out at The Commons, which is like the place where every one of hangs out after school. We're splitting a large order of fries and doing some homework, by the way, we happened to be the only ones there studying. You see my friends and I make up the nerd part of the senior class. However, we're still capable of getting dates. Sav had a fling with a basketball player Ryan a while back while Averi was seeing Kyle Miner. Both of those guys are Huntington Beach High School royalty.

Let me chart out this whole thing. The basketball team rules this place. Every party that we have, every dance that is given, it all depends on whether or not our team wins. After the basketball team, there's Musical Theatre. Now I know that in most cases, they would be considered dorky, but one person alone changed that.

Carly Miner is the one that changed the image of the club. She won't take any of the crap that people try to give her and she can ruin your reputation in seconds. I guess you could say she's the 'mean girl' that every high school has.

After drama club everyone else has a shot at being talked to by the higher up of high school. That is of course, unless you're me. I'm at the bottom. The last of the last without a shot at getting noticed. I didn't mind until now. Until I realize that going to college with no boy experience was terrible.

My younger brother has more experience than I do. I also think he may also be a bit higher up on this scale. I'll find a way to fix that though. Hm, I feel like I missed someone…

"Wesley! Wesley! Wesley!" The boys chanted as he downed beers. Ah, that's who. The king of Huntington Beach High School himself, Wesley Stromberg. Where do I even begin with him? He's extremely attractive. Hazel colored eyes, bright white teeth, and from what I've heard and the glimpses that I've caught of him when he stretches…he's very toned.

I don't mean to sound like a creep, but there have been several times when I've seen his abs for myself. Like when he stretches in class, or when he runs in gym, or when he sweats during his games, he'll use his jersey to wipe it off…

I am not a creep.

"He's gonna major hangover when he's done." Sav shot them a knowing glare. You see, this is why we're not cool. They're over there chugging drinks and living on the edge while we're contemplating the severity of his stomach and headache.

I watched as Wesley finished and got up to go somewhere. He smirked as he made his way around the corner. There was a battle going on inside my head for a few minutes before I excused myself and got up too.

I turned my head to look back at my table and walked around the corner with slight speed. I didn't want the girls to think I was being weird by suddenly rushing off. I looked back to see where I was going, but when I rounded the corner, and the bathroom door swung open and hit me right in the face.

"Shit!" A voice muttered as I brought my hand up to my nose. "Damn! Are you okay? Fuck, I am so sorry." The boy brought his hand up to where mine was. "I'm fine." I said as I covered my nose. I opened my eyes and blinked twice. I must've been hit really hard because I was seeing Wesley in front of me. I rubbed my eyes, but regretted it when my hand bumped my sore nose.

"Ow." I said quietly.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked. I looked at him, and either it was really Wesley, or I was hallucinating. I'll stick to the first choice.

"Yeah, I just have really bad luck." I answered.

"Man, I didn't mean to hit you. If I'd known someone was coming I would've waited." I smiled at him.

"Not your fault. There's no way you could've heard me with the music being so loud and what not." He gave me a smile. It was like this upside down frown that I'd seen him flash from time to time. It was hot.

"I'm Wes," He grinned, jutting his hand out in my direction.

"I know. We have human behavior and gym together." I blurted.

"Oh…and you are…?" Stupid me for think that he'd actually remember me. I'm a wall flower. "Wait, you're Paige right? You're friends with Savannah Parker?" He knows my name and one of my friends? I guess being friends with Sav had its perks.

"Uh, yeah. I sit in the desk right behind you."

I sit in the desk behind you? This is why I'm a loser.

Wesley only nodded.

"I'll see you around Wesley. I want to check my nose before I go back out there." He grimaced when I mention my nose. "I really am okay though."

"And I really am sorry. If there's anything you need, just let me know." He squeezed my shoulder once and walked back out toward the tables. The smile crept onto my face as soon as I walked into the girls' bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.

My hair was pulled back and until now I didn't mind. My nose was a little red. Great, by tomorrow it could very well be purple. I sighed and pulled my hair out of the rubber band. I shook it with my hair a bit and sighed again. Maybe my big hair will distract people from my Rudolph nose.

I gave it a few minutes before I went back out to my friends. I glanced over at Wesley's table and saw him do a double take. He was looking in my direction, but there was no way he was looking at me. I couldn't resist smiling anyway.

Staring at my feet, I slid into the booth when I arrived at the table. Savannah and Averi immediately stopped their conversation, and I knew exactly why. They'd most likely been talking about whatever Averi and her boyfriend Kyle had gotten into when his parents went away last weekend. Whatever, I don't care. Nope. Not me.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" I asked. Okay, so maybe I care a little bit. Sue me.

"Oh you know, just drama club stuff..." Averi muttered, looking at Savannah. I rolled my eyes. You'd think that after years of us being best friends, they'd cut me some slack and tell me something every once in a while.

"Right. Let's pretend that's true." I scoffed.

"Paige, we're only trying not to make you uncomfortable." Savannah reasoned. Little did she know her plan backfired.

"Well, it's not working. I feel uncomfortable because you two talk about your hook-ups to each other and not me. It makes me feel like I don't belong" I snapped. Averi winced and Savannah gave me a sympathetic smile.

  "We'll try to include you more." Averi spoke. "We were just about to leave though. Our homework is all done and my mom called."

 I nodded my head and began packing up. Once my bag was all packed, I stood up and slung it over my shoulder, ready to leave.

My green eyes caught Wesley's and he gave me a nod. I smiled back at him as I walked right into the glass door. Hard. The Commons erupted in laughter as I rubbed my nose and walked out with my head hanging in embarrassment. Great first impression. No one will ever top that.

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