Chapter Eight

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"Paige, how was school today?" Mom asked as we ate dinner. There are more than a couple ways that I could answer this question. I tell my mother everything so I could always tell her what really happened, but that would mean telling Austin about Wesley. Instead, I went with every single kid's answer to this question.

"Good." Smiling, I popped a piece of broccoli in my mouth.

"Sorry I'm late," Dad said, as he entered and kissed my mother sweetly. He took his seat at the head of the table and smiled at us. "So, how was school kids?"

"Awesome, Taylor Caldwell gave me her phone number today." Ugh, Taylor was Carly Miner’s cousin and pretty much the junior version of her.

"That's my boy." I'll never understand why dad cheers him on when Austin mentions girls. If I even mention a guy, he'd punish me and then go kill the poor kid.

"Oh, is that the nice girl we met at the car wash over the summer?" My mother beamed. Oblivious. My mother is absolutely oblivious. Taylor is the airhead blonde that tried to clean our windshield off with her boobs.

"Bingo." I muttered. Austin held a look of pure bliss on his face, no doubt he was reminiscing about the car wash. Oh, God. The mental image I'm getting of him with Taylor was sickening. I gagged, aloud, and the dinner table fell silent.

"Something wrong, dear?" My concerned mother asked. No mom, everything is totally fine. I was just thinking of my brother, your son, having sex with a walking advertisement for STDs.

"Nope." I said, popping the p.

"How did things go for you today, sweetie?" Dad questioned. He probably thought I was jealous of him asking about Austin.

"Good." There is nothing in the world that annoys my parents more than one word answers.

"Did you," Pausing, my dad thought of a question. "did you learn anything interesting today?"

"Well, we talked about how to tell if two people were attracted to each other." I gave my answer as I pushed around the vegetables on my plate. I was still extremely humiliated by that.

"Are you serious? I could totally use a skill like that!" Austin smirked at me as our parents started their own conversation. My guess is that dad had given up on the questioning.

"You're right. It should make it a lot easier to tell when a girl has no interest in you." I replied. "That way, you can weed out the loose ones quicker." I whispered. Score one for Team Paige. Austin narrowed his eyes and flicked a spoonful of peas my way. He is so going to pay for that. I got a scoop of mashed potatoes together. I was about to launch it at my brother until my mother interrupted.

"What are you two doing?" My mother asked, suppressing a smile. It wasn't until then that I noticed the way they were sitting. While mom's body was fully facing dad, he sat straight. He wasn't facing her at all.

At first glance, it seemed as if they were holding hands, but if you looked closer, it was only mom. She was gripping dad's hand for dear life while his was limp. But, what do I know? It's one day of classes. That doesn't mean anything.


Someone kill me now. I'm sitting in my room and I have absolutely nothing to do. I've already done my homework, and Austin is out. How incredibly sad is it that my younger brother has plans on a Friday night and I don't? Extremely sad. Depressing, actually.

I stared at my phone. I could call Savannah, I mean she's likely to be home. I almost dialed before I realized that she could possibly be with Ryan. Averi was out of the question as well. She and Kyle had a date planned, and I really don't want to be the friend who intrudes on something like that. I really need to get more friends. My phone rang.

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