Chapter Two

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It's Sunday night and the girls and I are hanging out in my room. We're having a sleepover, and I was actually having fun.

The fun part comes now though. The girls are finally going to reveal all the dirty details that they've kept from me. I got up from my place on the bed and locked the door, I would die if my mother walked in and heard me. Or worse, my nosy younger brother Austin who just can't seem to mind his own business. I'm pretty sure his life is a thousand times more interesting than mine anyway.

I walked back over and plopped down on the bed. "Tell me everything!" I grinned. Savannah laughed at me and Shelby shook her head smiling.

"You go first, Averi." I say.

"Where do I begin?" My shy friend asked smiling, shaking her head.

"Oh I don't know…from the beginning? How far have you gone? Who was your first kiss? Is Kyle a good kisser? What did you two do when his parents were gone?" I fired them off one by one at her. Hey, if she hadn't been so tight lipped, this would be much easier for all of us.

"Um…not too far, I guess. Kory Archuleta, yes of course he is, and we um…"


"Just you know. Hooking up stuff…we made out a bit and then…" Her face was completely red now. Could she be talking about oral? My mouth fell open. I was amazed. If Averi had gone that far, there was no hope for me at all.

"Averi…did you and Kyle…" I trailed off, not able to finish my question. She blushed and nodded.

"I mean, we didn't go all the way, but we went there."

I sat in shock. What else had been happening without me knowing?

"And what about you Sav? Give me all the details."

"Well, you know how I had a thing with Ryan…" No, no way! There was no way that they started going out together again and she didn't tell me. "We sort of, hook-up every once in a while.”

“Sav!" I screeched, feeling hurt. "How could you keep something like that from me?!"

"Well, I didn't know how you would take it. I didn't want you to lecture me about how wrong it is to fool around with him when we're not in a relationship." Savannah rolled her eyes, folding her arms over her chest.

"What? When have I ever said anything like that?" I really don't have an opinion of those people. Except that they happen to be the most experienced people at school.

"You didn't have to! I mean, why else would any eighteen year old still have virgin lips?"


"So that's what this is about? Because I haven't kissed anyone, I'm not worthy of knowing what's going on in your life? Glad I know that now." I huffed and walked over to the computer.

"No! It's just that I figured you must be scared of catching something, because what's stopping you from running out and kissing someone right now?" Is that how she really sees it? Like I can just run out and kiss someone?

"Easy for you to say! You're fooling around with one of the hottest guys in school. Your confidence level is a skyscraper compared to mine. But thanks for seeing that friend." I snapped at her. "And excuse me for thinking that your first kiss is supposed to mean something. For feeling like you're supposed to feel some sort of spark for the person that gives it to you. Am I so wrong for wanting it to be special?" I yelled.

Okay, I feel pretty stupid right now. There are tears in my eyes because I expected her to understand. That's what best friends are there for, right?

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