Chapter Three

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Today just wasn't my day. I was still mad at Savannah, and everything she said kept replaying in my mind until I couldn't even concentrate in class. I was already on edge so when I dropped my iPhone on the floor and saw the huge crack, I almost screamed.

"Stupid piece of crap…" I muttered, grabbing my phone and stood up, just in time to hit someone's strong chest. "Um…" I looked up, and immediately the blood began to rush toward my face. It was Wesley with a smirk on his face.

"Wes. . .hi." Why does it seem like every time I encounter him, I'm doing something embarrassing? Seriously, can I catch a break?

"Hey," He laughed, "I just wanted to check on you. I mean, you got pretty banged up on Friday. Half my fault…half the door." Wesley was trying to hold in his laughter.

I gotta say that Wesley's being extremely out of character. At least, that's what Sav says. She's got us all thinking that he's a jerk since she hung out with him with Ryan. However, as you can see…I'm having a bit of a change of heart.

"Oh yeah, that door was out to get me. It closed on me when I came in." Stop with embarrassing comments Paige…

"Ha, yeah. At least your nose is looking much better."

He then did the weirdest thing. He twirled a strand of my hair around his fingers and gave me that smile of his. I'm blushing, I know it. My face is on fire. Wesley Stromberg is flirting with me, in front of my locker, in front of everyone.

"I-you-nice shirt." I blurted. A chuckle escaped his lips and he looked down for a minute.

"Thanks. I'll see you 'round, Paige." With a wink, he walked away. I'm left standing, mouth slightly agape, in front of the locker.

"What in the hell was that?" Savannah hissed as she came up to me.

"I-I don't know." I laughed honestly. "I…think he just flirted with me."

"Uh, yeah, I kind of got that." She scoffed. "I guess I wasn't the only one keeping a secret." Then she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me. It was like she was waiting for me to give her some huge confession. I wouldn't have talked to her, but given that I'm in awe right now, I wasn't thinking straight.

"Nope, it's just you. Wes only came to talk to me because he hit me in the face with the door on Friday." Saying that out loud is even more embarrassing. Not only did Wesley not talk to me because he wanted to, he talked to me because he pitied me. Awesome, right?

Savannah nodded slowly. "Oh, well what was with the flirting then?"

"Beats me. I didn't even expect him to remember." Sav got that pensive look on her face that she gets when she's suspicious. This can't end well. "I'm sure it's no big deal. Just a one time thing." I turned back and got some of my books out of the locker before closing it and walking off.

"Hey!" I heard her call. I slowed my pace, but didn't stop. "I'm sorry about last night, Paige. I hate fighting with you. I know that I hurt you by keeping something as big as Ryan from you, and I'm sorry."

See, this is what I hate about myself. I hate the fact that I can't stay mad at a person for more than a few hours.

All she had to do was say sorry to me, and I'm already feeling very forgiving. It shouldn't be that easy! "I promise I won't keep anything from you, no matter what. I'll tell you everything about me and Ry. I swear, just…please don't be mad at me anymore." Pleading will get you everywhere.

"I forgive you, ass." I said rolling my eyes. Savannah beamed and I put my arm around her shoulder. "I can never stay mad at anyone. It was worthless for me to try anyway." We laughed and made our way into first period with Ms. Ross.

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