Containment Breach

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At the conclusion of the tour, I was taken back to my cell, required not to leave unless told otherwise. I felt just like the SCPs here, locked away in a cell, hidden away from the rest of the world. I still had my doubts as this talk of entities capable of ending human life seemed a little too far-fetched. Like, who is SCP-106 and why is it so dangerous? My theory about this being a cruel hoax seemed to be having some truth to it in my mind. I fell into a disturbed sleep that night, plagued by nightmares of monsters reaching out through the darkness, ready to tear me into pieces. In the morning, I was dragged out of my cell by that same guard I had met just yesterday. I was taken to the cafeteria to have breakfast, forcing dry toast down my throat despite the lack of hunger I was experiencing. My appetite plummeted down further when I was told I was to be involved in the experiment with SCP-173. I was given documents depicting various experiments I would take part in with a variety of SCPs. My heart sank when I saw SCP-106 on the list. A quick read of its description told me about its corrosive effect and its ability to go through the walls and floors. What scared me the most though was its desire to kill and its ability to pull its prey into what was known as its pocket dimension. Looking through this list of SCPs only made my heart pound harder. SCP-096, for example, would dismember anybody who viewed its face. I had to stop reading before I threw up my breakfast. I tried to convince myself that my theory of this being an elaborate hoax was right and that they were only trying to scare me. Not that this thought provided me with much comfort. If this really was a work of fiction, it meant I still had a place on death row.

Despite my loss of appetite, I didn't want breakfast to end. It meant it was time to come face to face with SCP-173. I was marched down the corridor towards the Low Level Containment Area and was ordered to stand in front of its containment cell along with other Class-D personnel. The other two seemed unfazed by this upcoming experiment and actually showed some excitement, talking animatedly with each other. Meanwhile, sweat slid down my forehead and back, soaking parts of my jumpsuit. What could I expect to see in there? I could look at the photo but it wasn't the clearest image. I thought about running but the guard standing on the upper level could easily take me down with a single bullet. I was just contemplating how fast my running speed was until the door to the cell opened.

"Class D-personnel, please step into the containment cell," a voice over an intercom ordered, "and maintain eye contact with SCP-173 at all times. No blinking allowed."

I blinked a few times quickly before stepping into the cell with my fellow prisoners. That's when I saw SCP-173, facing the wall. I was confused. All 173 seemed to be was a sculpture made out of concrete and other materials I couldn't identify. It had a rather large head and curved body, its arms sticking out in front of it and standing on short, stubby legs. An error sound almost made me blink.

"Uh, we seem to be having trouble closing the door," the voice on the intercom said. "Please continue maintaining eye contact with SCP-173 until we can rectify the error with the door."

My eyes were already beginning to water and burn but I refused to blink. But this thought kept bothering me. It's just a sculpture. What could it possibly do? All it's going to do is stand there. I was expecting somebody to shoot us, revealing the hoax but my train of thought was broken as one of the class D-personnel started to laugh.

"Are you serious?" he laughed. "This is supposed to be dangerous? It's just a fucking sculpture! What game are you playing at?"

He laughed even more and actually approached SCP-173.

"What are you going to do, huh?" he started to taunt the seemingly inanimate object, nudging it and actually slapping it over the head. "It's just a piece of hardened concrete!"

"Stop that!" the other Class D-personnel shouted. "You don't what it's capable of!"

"I don't think you heard me," the Class D-personnel taunting 173 turned to face him. "It's just a sculpture. Just a artist's failed piece of crap!"

Suddenly, his laughter was cut short as SCP-173 suddenly turned and snapped his neck, his body falling limply to the ground. That was when I blinked. SCP-173 seemed to move closer. The other class D-personnel screamed and turned away to run but 173 seemed to slide right behind him, snapping his neck as well. I caught a glimpse of its front. It seemed to have a mix of red and green paint on its face, forming something of an eyes and mouth. It was looking straight at me and without a word, I retreated out of the cell backwards, never daring to break eye contact. In an instant, the sculpture was upstairs, snapping the neck of the guard despite his best efforts to shoot the thing.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and caught my breath in a storeroom. Suddenly, lights began to flash and an alarm started to blare. A different voice sounded on the intercom.

"The site is experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid level containment breaches! Forced lockdown initiated!"

Multiple? That meant that not just 173 was out but many more were. I hoped that SCP-106 wasn't out. This clearly wasn't the hoax I was thinking of. This was life and death. I quickly snapped out of my senses when I realised I still had 173 to contend with. My best bet was to grab whatever supplies I could and try to escape the facility. On the shelves in the storeroom was a gas-mask and a Level One key card which I both took without a second thought, hooking the mask to my belt and stashing the card into my pocket. I yelped when I saw SCP-173 in the doorway, staring at me. It suddenly made a roaring sound and I screamed, backing out of the room through its other door, not blinking or looking away. I finally sprinted down the corridor, not daring to stop until I was far away from 173. I found myself in a large room, branching off into multiple corridors. I was just making the decision to take the one on my left when suddenly, a body seemingly dropped down from the ceiling, landing on the ground with a thud. I quickly looked up to see a black figure retreating back into the ceiling, leaving a black patch spreading across the surface of the ceiling. What was that? I looked at the lifeless body and saw it was a researcher, his face and hands in a state of decomposition. I screamed and looked away. Please don't tell me that was SCP-106 I just saw, I thought to myself. I had seen enough death today. I tried to not think about my fellow prisoners being killed as well as this researcher. I trudged into the corridor on my left, wondering what new horrors awaited me

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