The Unravelling Truth

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I jogged down the steel steps leading to Radical Larry's cell. I was hoping I wouldn't have to revisit such an awful place containing such an awful person. If I could even call him that. While he did bear some resemblance to an elderly human, he had monster-like qualities to his appearance; fanged teeth, decomposing flesh and no need for sustenance. It would be comedic that he was naked and actually lacked genitalia if it wasn't for his dangerous and sadistic nature. But I had no choice but to visit him once more. He would probably have the answers I needed.

I found myself at the bottom of the stairs and was glad to see he was still inside his cell. He was lying face down, probably in a sign of defeat. Or boredom.

"Larry?" I said. "I need to talk to you."

"Go away," he groaned, rudely, his voice muffled due to pressing his face against the floor.

"Please, this is important," I tried to be nice. "You're the only.......person who would have some information I need."

He didn't answer or look up, clearly wishing I would just leave.

"Uh, are you okay?" I asked, uncertainly.

"Okay?" he asked, finally swivelling his head to face me, "Okay?! Do I look okay to you?!"

He stood up, moving close to the bars of the cell and his usually deep, creepy voice took on a high-pitched shriek.

"Woah!" I took a step back. "Take it easy!"

"Why should I?!" he practically screamed at me. I had never seen him so angry before. "It's your fault I'm in here! I'm going out of my mind in here!"

"Listen, I understand that you're angry," I tried to calm him. "But please, I need your help."

This only seemed to infuriate him more. "My help? Give me a good reason as to why I should help you!"

"Uh," I thought about this for a moment. "I turned off the nuclear warheads like you asked."

"Try again. You're going to need a much better reason than that."

"Look. I don't see why you got worked up so quickly. You didn't seem to be furious when I contained you here. Why the sudden outburst? Or was it just anger boiling under the surface? Larry,  I need your help. I think this whole facility is under threat by something else entirely. The containment breach was just the beginning. While you may be in agreement with the breach, I sense there's something sinister behind this. A whole other thing we didn't expect."

He seemed to consider this a moment before slumping to the ground. I was about to leave, thinking he was going to remain silent. He sighed, finally making his decision.

"What do you need to know?" he asked, his voice flat and defeated.

"Do you happen to know a doctor here by the name of Dr. Maynard?" I asked. "I found a note in your pocket dimension with the code to his office."

"Only too well," he answered. "He sometimes conducted experiments on me."

"What kind of experiments?"

"Torturous experiments. He's been experimenting on me for years, finding any plausible way of killing me."

"Did they hurt?"

"No. They still haven't found a way of inflicting pain. They were mostly.......annoying."

"Did Dr. Maynard act suspicious? Like, any rebellious attitude to the Foundation itself?"

"Rebellious? Not a word I'd associate with him. Except for his endeavours to kill me. Not exactly something the Foundation agreed with. Other than that, he was the Foundation's puppet. Why?"

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