New World

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My head. Why does my head hurt so much? I thought to myself. My eyes slowly flickered open and all I saw was black. Have I gone blind? A panicked thought raced through my mind. I realised I was lying on my back and that I must have fallen unconscious. What happened?

Radical Larry!

I sat up and my senses were immediately confronted by this new environment I was in. I seemed to be in a very dark foyer with several corridors branching off from it. How had I gotten here? I suddenly recalled Radical Larry touching my shoulder and the searing pain that had sparked from within. This meant that this was his.........pocket dimension.

I shot to my feet and started to breathe fast, a sweat breaking out over my body. I was done for, I thought. That's it. At any moment, he's going to emerge from one of those corridors and kill me. My fear of the dark only added to my fear. I almost slapped myself. Why was I losing my head so soon? There must be a way out of here, I thought. From what I read about Radical Larry and his sadistic world was that some people had actually escaped. The only course of action was to start moving and finding a way out. I took a deep breath and headed towards one of the corridors. I stopped in my tracks when I spotted a scrap of paper on the ground. Scooping it up, I noticed its edges were frayed as if by fire. It read:

Dr. George Maynard

Code: 1567

Who was Dr. George Maynard? I had no idea but from what I could tell, he probably wasn't alive and well. I continued my descent into this labyrinth of terror until I stopped to read something that had been written on the ground.

I will bite your Achilles tendon, it read.

No doubt this message had been left by Radical Larry. I had read about his love of damaging and tearing the tendons and ligaments of his victims, leaving them incapacitated and at his mercy. I felt anger rising up in me and I clenched my fist. I wanted to kill this SCP. Kill him for his cruel and merciless nature. Kill him for the multitude of murders at his hands. Kill him for trapping me in this dark, daunting world. Not that it was possible. Radical Larry was impervious to any direct damage. Burying bullets into his decaying flesh would accomplish nothing except infuriating him. The best revenge would simply be triumphing over him by leaving this place. I mastered my fear of the dark and continued my walk, my footsteps sounding heaving and echoing off the walls. It eventually led into another room complete with a tall structure that seemed to resemble a throne. Scaling my eyes up this strange structure, I spotted a pair of glowing eyes at the top. There he was.

"You asshole!" I screamed at him, before I could stop myself. "You think this is funny?! I'm not afraid of you! You're nothing more than a heartless, bitter old man! A disgusting, sadistic creature!"

I expected Radical Larry to leap down from his throne and rip me to shreds. Instead, he seemed to cock his head slightly to the side and gave a dark, deep laugh, chilling me to the bone. He was simply amused by my attempts to stand up to him. I had lied about not being afraid of him and he knew that all too well. He probably had some power to read my emotions. I refused to let my fear break through on my face though and instead turned on my heel and walked out of the room. I was plunged into darkness and I ended up back at the start, that deep laugh resonating through the entirety of this place.

"Very funny, Larry," I drawled, sarcastically. "You should be a comedian."

I rolled my eyes, masking the utter terror I felt inside. I selected a corridor at random and with another deep breath, walked into it. Another message had been scrawled on the ground.

You're going the wrong way, this one read.

"You need to work on that handwriting, by the way," I remarked.

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