Chapter 2

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I can't seem to get Tobias out of my mind. Especially when he gave me such a beautiful gift. But beautiful girl. I have to disagree with him on that one. Most mermaids/mermen are in fact very beautiful and graceful. Me, not so much. Tobias had told me how many boys would stare at me when I swam past them but I never believed him.

I make my way from Tobias to my home. He was right I stop like 20 times to look and admire the reefs. I even hang with the dolphins for a quick minute. The first thing my mother says when I come in is

"Why are you late Beatrice? Almost 15 minutes. I told you to be home for supper. Not when it's almost over." She crosses her arms and gives on of her death stares. I feel smaller than I already am.

"I did leave Tobias's home on time. I just got caught up in the reefs. I won't happen again, I promise." I say and her gaze softens. I join everyone at the table at my usual seat. Beside Caleb and across from my mother. I put a piece of seaweed in my mouth and chew. This was not my favorite dinner plate but it was not the best either.

"Now that everyone is here me and your mother have to make an announcement." My father says finishing his 2ed to last piece of seaweed. I look up from my food at them. My mother is smiling. "Beatrice, we all know tomorrow is your 16th birthday, so me and your mother have decided to let you and your brother go to school on land."

I almost choke on my seaweed and the sound Caleb is making proves that he in fact did choke. "What?" I exclaim. "You mean like walk-" I don't finish my sentence, I'm too shocked. It takes me a second to process such little words but with so much meaning. I smile creeps up one my face. I get to taste real foods, make more friends and, be around Tobias all day. Excitement bubbles up in my stomach.

"We have agreed that both of you will be going to school on land until you finish collage. Don't worry about falling behind either. The teachers you had last year for all subjects went to school on land. So you guys are probably ahead of the humans." My dad continues

"Me and your father have already registered you guys. All you have to do is take a test is to see which category you guys will be in." mom days.

"Category?" Caleb asks.

"Yes. They are like different programs. Abnegation the selfless, Candor the honest, Amity the peaceful, Erudite the intelligent, and Dauntless the brave. These are like elections. The Abnegation will do community work on the beaches, streets. Candor will be the schools debaters or class presidents. Amity will be helping in gardens across town. They go every week, same for Abnegation. Erudite will be the schools smartest kids. You will most likely see them in spelling bees math, science, history etc. competitions. Dauntless will be the schools athletics. You will see them in sports." Mom finishes.

"So school on land will be like school here? Minus the category part. And the walking part."

"Exactly." Mom says with a small smile. "And don't worry about clothes we have that all figured out." She says. My mind races at all the possibilities of being able to have legs that I don't hear what my mother says next.

"Beatrice. Honey are you listening."

"Huh. I'm sorry what did you say?"

"I said when you guys are on land make extra sure to stay away from any liquids. When you finish at school we need you guys to come straight home. We won't have to worry about you. And if you do intend to stay out any longer we need you guys to inform us, ok." I nod.

We finish our dinner and I make my way to bed with a kiss on the forehead and a reminder to moisturize our tails. It makes it easy to move if the scales on our tails aren't falling off. I wrap my tail in special seaweed and leave it one for 30 minutes.

That night I get in bed with no intentions to go to sleep. I say on my back staring up into the ceiling of my room a smile plastered on my face. I can't make it go away and when I try it just reforms. School on land. Fun, easy, new. I can't wait until I tell Tobias. I am sure the he will be thrilled. I fiddle with my necklace that is resting on my chest. I think about life on lands until I fall asleep.


I find myself singing an old bedtime song as I swim to Tobias's home. I may not be as graceful or beautiful as the other mermaids but I sure can sing better. Not to brag but my lungs have always been strong and when I sing it's sweet and smooth.

When the waves grow low

And the waves grow higher and so it goes

Under a bright blue-

"Endless sky!" I hear someone scream. I look around for the voice. Large arms wrap around my waist and I shriek and try to wiggle out.

"Where do you think you are going little missy?" I relax when I hear his deep voice so close to my ear I shiver. He lets me go and I slap his chest. He laughs and covers his chest in a weak attempt protect himself from me.

"What you doing here. You are never up this early." He asks me sitting down on a nearby rock. I raise my eyebrows and decide to tease him.

"I can see when I'm not wanted." I sniff. "I'll just, go." I say trying to hide a smile. I get up and move away from him.

"No, wait Tris I'm sorry. I don't want you to leave." He says and I laugh. He jumps back slightly in my outburst and crosses his arms. He used to do this, pout his lips and connect his eyebrows when I made him upset as kids. It was so cute then and it even cuter now.

"That's not funny, Beatrice." He says trying to sound serious. I tuck my lips in, in a weak attempt to stop laughing. It isn't working so well. Soon he laughs slightly too but not as hard as I did. He looks down and shakes his head. "Sometimes Bea you just-"he doesn't finish his sentence. I sigh.

"Is it bad?" I ask my voice soft and I touch his bicep. He sucks in a breath and releases.

"No." he says looking at me. "Never mind. Is there something that you want to tell me?" I brighten and shake my head.

"Ok so last night during dinner my parents told me and Caleb that," I pause for dramatic effect, "we are now going to go to school on land." I shout the last part and I'm bouncing with joy. I laugh out in relief. "They said that we would be going until we finished collage. Isn't that great."

Tobias smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes and something in me drops. "That's wonderful, Bea."

"What is the matter with you? We get to spend more time together and I have the chance to meet new people and you are not happy about that?" I ask frowning my eyes sad. He enfolds me in a hug and I blush slightly. I wrap my arms around his torso my eyes looking over his shoulder into the deep blue.

"Of course I'm happy. I just, I just wanted to keep you to myself for a while longer ya know." I smile into his shoulder and he buries his face into mine. I pull away and look him in the eyes. Those dark blue eyes that trap you in them. That sticks into your mind all day every day. Those are the most beautiful thing you could ever lay eyes on in this ocean.

"You'll always have me, Tobias. I promise." He smiles and hugs me again.

A/N You think things are going too fast for FourTris? Next chapter is about Tris's first shopping and school day. Tell me if you like my story so far! And sorry for not updating in a while. Teachers giving out tons of homework. It's like the last month of school people come on! Catch you later pansycakes!

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