Chapter 4

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I woke up to the blue sky peaking in through the curtains and a warm pale pink blanket covering me. I blinked a few times before I sat up and stretched out my legs and arms. I stood up the blanket falling to the floor. I picked it up and neatly folded it and set it back on top of the couch.

"You're up." A voice said from behind me. I turned and saw Caleb arms crossed and in a new pair of clean clothes. It got me to wonder what time it was. "6:30 am. If you were wondering. Mom is waiting for you upstairs in the bathroom." he said and took a seat on the couch where I was just asleep. I looked at him for a second before I scratched my arm and dragged upstairs.

Like Caleb had said mom was waiting for me. She was placing out the makeups I bought yesterday and holding a clean new towel. "Morning sunshine. As promised I will teach you how to do your makeup. But first a shower." That was when I noticed the shower curtains open and ready for use. With shampoos and soaps neatly stocked. I gave her a confused look and she smiled and handed me a ring. "I went out and got this for you. It's a special ring it allows you to get wet without turning back into a mermaid. But it will only last 20 minutes and it's very rare so don't lose it."

She handed me the ring. It was a beautiful ring with an emerald jewel in the center. Green wasn't really my color, but it was beautiful nonetheless. I slipped it one my left hand ring finger and it glowed for a quick second. I smiled. She handed me the towel and told me how to work the shower and what to use.

When she left I undressed and got in. The hot water warmed my cold skin and I washed and rinsed my hair and body at least twice. When I stepped out I dried off and got as much water out of my hair as I possibly could. I wrapped and tucked my towel in front of me as my mom did yesterday. A knock came from the door and my mom poked her head in letting in a rush of cold air and I shivered.

For the next hour I learned the ways of the makeup and hair. When she was done I wouldn't have even recognized myself if my reflection hadn't copied me every move. My hair was bright and not as dull as I always believed it was. It was in loose locks and flowed to my spine. It looked healthy and bouncy. My eyelashes had a thick coat of mascara so they were thick and long. The eyeliner I wore was made into a wing and my cheeks had a golden touch to it. My lips were dark red and I knew the perfect outfit for today. I smiled at myself before I retreated back to the bedroom.

"Beatrice school starts in an hour and you haven't even eaten yet! Hurry up!" Caleb yelled from behind the door and I turned around and yelled

"Shut up!" and turned back to my closet. I took out a thick material black crop top and a thin layered very light almost white pink skirt with black velvet ankle boots with a zipper on the side with a 4 inch heels. I quickly got dressed and put on a brown leather jacket. I added a charm bracelet and went downstairs.

I sat down in the same chair beside Caleb and his eyes almost popped out of his head. Caleb wasn't over protective but he did try and get his word in on what I did and went. "You can't wear that!"

"Why not?" I ask.

"All those boys will be drooling over you and I can't stand my little sister being their target." He said and I felt safe.

"Don't worry, Caleb. Tobias will be there and I can take care of myself. And I promise to tell you if something happens." He sighs and turns back.

"Fine." He mumbles.

Mom made us some sort of bread called pancakes. They were soft and fluffy and she poured some sticky stuff over them making them even better. I gulped down this liquid called milk. It helped with washing down the pancakes.

Mom drove us to school and I was bouncing with excitement all the way. When we arrive there is a gate we have to pass. Mom enters some kind of code as the gates open. The first thing I see is the large parking lot filled with shiny new cars. Some are small others large. My mom parks close to the school. I grab my red backpack and get out. Mom kisses my forehead and hugs Caleb before driving away.

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