Chapter 6

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Tobias has always been fast at doing something. Even parks a car, put his things away, and swim to his home under water. Me, ha call me the girl who will swim on her back in circles for hours on end if you let her. That's a long title don't you think? But not today. Today I sped to Tobias home to talk to him. There were so many questions floating around in my head I needed to mind vacuum to contain them all.

Tobias's house came in sight and there I saw him. The back of his head facing me. I smile and slow down my pace. I duck behind a coral and peak my head over. He now lays his head back and closes his eyes, his tail flowing freely in front of him. I move very quietly and swim until I face him. He doesn't seem to notice. I'm about to yell boo when I opens his eyes and yells it before I can making me shriek and move back my back touching the corals behind me.

Tobias laughs. Clutching his stomach and gasping. "It's not funny." I defend weakly. Tobias's laughing dies down until he is only wearing a satisfied and playful smile. I shake my head in embarrassment although it's only me and Tobias.

"Ok, ok maybe it was I little funny." I say moving to stand beside him.

"What do I owe the pleasure of seeing my Bea again after what 20 minutes." He says.

"Well, I just wanted to know a few things. That's all."

"Shoot." He says crossing his arms over his chest making his arms look bigger.

"Um, about that boy, uh Peter." I say and a look of disgust crosses across his face.

"Don't tell me you like him."

"Eww no. It's just this morning he had this look on his face when he looked at me. Like Uriah looks at cake." I say and he smiles at the Uriah part.

"Well, we call it The Devil's Grin. It's this thing he does when he looks at a hot girl. Or any girl for that matter. But I would really stay away from him. He's bad news."

I nod and pinch my bottom lip between my thumb and pointer finger. "Ok, what about the sports thing. I've never heard of any."

"Ahhh, you've come to the right place. Come on in. Let me teach you in the ways of, sport." He plays and I roll my eyes and smile as I follow him in.

For the next hour Tobias tells me all about the different sports there are in Dauntless. Soccer, football, volleyball, baseball, tennis, cheerleading, and dance. They way he told me about them made it feel like a challenge, but it was worth it in the end. The winnings and trophies. I especially got into volleyball, cheerleading and dance. The limit was 4 sports and I planned to do it least two. By the time I leave dinner would start in 10 minutes.

"Hey, Tobias do you think I could catch a ride with you tomorrow?" I asked knowing my mother had to work early for the rest of the week.

"Sure I'll get you at 7:45. That gives us enough time to let you taste your first cup of coffee."

"What if I don't like coffee?"

"Then, you can try iced tea." I raise my eyebrow at the new drink names. Tobias grinned and gave me a hug and followed me out.

That night I lay on my hands staring at my walls with a smile lingering on my lips. Tobias words echo in my head "It's this thing he does when he look at a hot girl." Was Tobias calling me hot? Maybe he didn't even recognize the words coming from his mouth. I wonder what it would like to press my lips against his. NO! I yell at myself in my head. He's my best friend. I shouldn't be thinking about him like this.

Maybe he does like me. The conversation me and Chris had in the locker rooms play over and over in my head. I just end up shaking my head at myself. NO. And I fall into a dreamless sleep.

The Tail Of Tris PriorWhere stories live. Discover now