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December 9, 2015
Hello awesome people! Welcome to my book, Cyrus and Ignacio! If you have not already read the description, then go read it! But I really hope you enjoy this book because I'm SUPER excited about it! So here goes! Peace out! ✌

I stared at my crush, Edward Santoño, during the whole class period. We were in philosophy class, which was my favorite. He was insanely intelligent and always had something to say.

His wavy dark brown hair seemed to glisten like snow in the brightly lit classroom. Every strand of hair was perfectly gelled back in the Greaser style. He wore a red athletic jacket (our school colours were red and black) and soccer pants.

Well, Edward must have noticed my staring because he looked back at me and gave a little wave. His cute little dimples appeared when he smiled at me. God, was he perfect.

"Cyrus, do you have something to share?" my teacher asked in a rather bitchy tone.

"Uh- no, Ms. Marcum," I replied with nervousness.

Damn, I thought. She caught me staring at him. Now she'll for sure know I'm gay.

"Yeah, I think we all know that, Cyrus!" A kid named Jason snickered; and the entire class burst out into screaming laughter.

Shit. Did I say that out loud?

Philosophy class was my only class where I could relax and enjoy the lesson. How could I possibly have fun in a class where everyone knows I'm gay?

"Class, let's be quiet. Open up your books to page 257 and start reading," Ms. Marcum announced. The class went silent and the teacher sat down at her desk.

Just as I began reading, I heard my name behind me along with quiet laughter. I turned around to see two girls, Jessica Adams and Miley Stank gossiping. About me? Don't know. But most likely so. They looked up at me and laughed more.

"Have you ever been to Florida, Cyrus?" Miley whispered to me in a mocking voice.

"Uh, no?"

"Cause I heard it was one of the gayest states in America," Jessica whispered.

My face flustered with burning red color.

"Good luck surviving here. I hate gay people," Miley said.

"Me too," another person joined in.

"Ha fag!" Someone else shouted. Pretty soon the whole class was in on the chant of calling me a fag.

Except one girl. A quiet girl who sat in the back of the classroom, sitting emotionless as the rest of the class chanted. I didn't know her name. I made it my mission to find out.

I looked away from the girl only to see my teacher... LAUGHING.

"STOP!" the quiet girl shouted, and the class went dead silent. "ALL YOU FUCKING IDIOTS NEED TO SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE'S GOING THROUGH!"

Jason smirked and said,
"You can come out of the closet now, Iris. We got another gay in here."

"Oh I'm long out of the closet. Jason. In fact, since I was a young girl. And for your information, I'm proud to be bisexual. So I suggest you shut the hell up before I shut it for you. Oh, and p.s. unless your name is Google, don't act like you know everything."

Jason, with a stunned look on his face, quietly sat back down and the whole class didn't say another word for the rest of class.

When philosophy finally let out, Edward stopped me at the door and said,

"So sorry that happened to you today. You didn't deserve that. How about coming to my house for a date tonight, at 8?"

I was shocked. I had no idea he was gay, too. Still, I answered,

"Yes. See you tonight."

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