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April 17, 2016
Hello to anybody who reads this, I thank you so much! (bc I don't get alot of reads lol) Sorry it's been a while seence I've written but I promise I will try to update more often now! Especially since school is out in two months! (sing Hallelujah!) but hope everyone is doing well and please enjoy🍕✨🎩

"Cyrus Xenakis! You are not going across the world with a boy I've never met!" My mother screamed at me. I was sitting on my bed with my laptop placed on my lap. My mom had just gotten home from work, and I had told her about my trip with Ignacio. I had waited until it was Thursday night to tell her. Procrastination at its finest, yeah?

"Mom, please, don't yell! I'm right here. And plus, we live in Michigan so it's not across the world," I said, surprisingly calm. "Okay, listen. If I can bring Ignacio over here to meet you, then can I go?"

"Cyrus, I'm sorry but I refuse to let you go anywhere with a gay boy. It's a sin."

"I bet you weren't thinking of Jesus that time you were out with those guys doing Lord knows what! And if you want me to tell dad about that, I will!"

My mom took a deep breath. She knows my dad isn't home often but when he is, my mom is loyal. Otherwise she's off with friends or trashy men.

"Can Ignacio come over before you leave Sunday morning?" She asked slowly.

"You mean it?" I asked, my laptop nearly falling off my legs and onto the floor.

"I mean it. Just please don't get STDs. Medical bills are expensive."

"I won't, mom," I giggled.

My mom forced a smile on her face and left the room.

I opened my laptop and video called Ignacio. It opened with him blowing smoke into the screen.

"Wish you were here," Ignacio sang in a laid-back, sarcastic tone.

"Guess what!"

"Chicken butt."

"My mom said that she'll meet you so I can go on the trip!"

"Fuck yeah, can I come over right now?"

"If you want to!"

"Hold on bitch, I'll be right over!"

With that, Ignacio ran away from the computer. A few seconds later, he came back and said,

"Just kidding. I'm actually gonna dress nice to meet your mama so you better dress nice too."

"Alright. I'll wear my mom's wedding dress," I smirked.

"You loser," Ignacio said, blowing me a kiss and then hanging up.










A few hours later, Ignacio showed up at my front door with a bouquet of Spanish Roses and a platter of Spanish rice.

His thick brown hair was gelled up and back in a queef, much like Brendon Urie's hair. Ignacio had on a slick black suit with a red bow tie around his neck.

I, on the other hand, only had on some Khakis and a sleek purple button up that was tucked in. I felt dressed down compared to Ignacio's suit.

"Wow, you look great, Cyrus," Ignacio smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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