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January 17th, 2016
Yipppeee! Update! Hope you all like! This is the longest chapter I've ever written and I'm getting more serious about this book! Like I actually am in love with it! If you like this, please PLEASE tell your friends/followers! But anyways, thanks for reading! Peace out✌

"We should get out of here. Let's go on an adventure," Ignacio said, tossing a red ball into the air and catching it. It was finally Saturday and we were just chilling on the couch at Ignacio's house.

"Like what?"

"Las Vegas. We leave Sunday next week."

"What the hell? You planned already?" I turned to give him the 'are you serious?' look.

"Of course. I've had this planned for a while. I just needed someone to come with me. So what do you say. Wanna come with me?" Ignacio threw the red ball at me and smiled.

Catching it, I responded with,
"We have school. I can't skip."

"Oh come on, Cyrus. Don't be so uptight. Listen, Linda, we have this week to get through. Then next week we leave and the week after is Spring Break. So it's like having a double break."

"I don't know about missing school."

"We're basically done with high school. We have one month left. I gotta get you ready for college."

I chuckled.

"I'll think about it, okay?"

"Alright, Cyrus," Ignacio smiled, "let me know when you decide."


Ignacio and I walked into Philosophy class together on Monday morning.

"Alright, class," Ms. Marcum announced, "I'm passing back your pop quizzes from a few weeks ago." And with that, she grabbed the papers and began handing them out.

"Took her a long ass time to grade those little shits," Ignacio said to me.

"You got that right," I agreed.

Ms. Marcum finally passed back Ignacio and I's papers. She glared at me.

"Is there a problem, Marcum?" I asked with a straight, confident face. I had no idea where the confidence came from but it's awesome. Ever since I met Ignacio, I've been changing. In a good way. But, he didn't have to know that.

"Yes, actually, there is," Marcum snapped back. Soon the whole class was quiet and listening.

"Fill me in, then. I'm listening."

Bitch Marcum cocked her head up and scoffed. Haha she has no idea how well I could roast her.

"You failed the quiz," she said sternly.

"Oh wale," I said, shrugging, "it's not like you've actually taught us anything in this class. So please correct me if I'm wrong, but you failed me."

"I will not tolerate this type of behavior in my classroom, young man!" she snapped at me. "Do you think you have power over me? Well you don't because I'm smart and you're stupid! You're gay and I'm smart!" she had raised her voice into a yelling shriek.

The whole class gasped when she said the part about me being gay. I was actually, to be honest, lost of words.

"Ms. Marcum?" My head shot up when the principal, Mr. Stuart walked into the classroom. He's actually a really chill guy.

Marcum looked at him with a guilty face and I smirked. I knew she was going to get busted.

"Ms Marcum, you do realize we have a non-discrimination rule at our school. And I hope you understand that by rule number 2 in the teacher handbook, we do not tolerate any discrimination against our staff and students," Mr. Stuart said, glaring at her.

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