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January 2, 2016
It's 2016!!! Happy New Year already! Ahhhhh I can't believe it! & I'm gonna be 17 this year holy crap wtf. Buuuuuutttt here is an update of Cyrus and Ignacio. Don't forget to vote, comment, and all that jazz. Peace Out! ✌

"You're gay," he said.

I stared at him, shocked. He had turned around to talk to another girl in the class.

How does he know?? How could he? Someone must have told him!

I wondered the same thing all day long, even after drawing class was over. I even asked the two bitches, Jessica and Miley if they had heard anything about Ignacio knowing I'm gay. Of course, the dumbasses didn't.


After school had let out, I met Ignacio by his car. He had a foreign looking car. It looked very expensive.

"You like?" Ignacio smirked, gesturing me to get in the passenger seat.

The seat was comfy and I loved the open top. My kind of car.

"She's a beauty," I smiled as Ignacio stepped into the driver's seat and started the car.

"He's a he," he corrected me.

The first few minutes of the ride were silent. I peered in the mirror and attempted to fix my black-blonde hair. It fell back to where it had started so I gave up trying to look good. I wiggled my eyebrows up and down, fiddling with my eyebrow piercing.

"Maybe you would have more friends if you didn't do that. Know what I mean, jelly bean?"

"What's wrong with my eyebrow piercing?"

"It's not the piercing, it's the you."

I frowned, crossing my arms.


"Honest," he shot back.

I giggled.

"How do you know I'm gay, Iggy?" I burst out. I couldn't hold in the burning question any longer.

He chuckled.

"I have my ways."

"Who told you?"

"Nobody had to tell me," he said, pulling up to the driveway of his house. "I just took a wild, lucky guess. It's called living on edge. You should try it sometime, mi amigo."

"Maybe tonight," I scoffed, slamming the car door shut.

"Aye, tonight, the party!" Ignacio exclaimed as we strolled into the small brick house.

"Wait, you know about it?" I asked, confused.

"Of course. Everyone's going."

"It's your first day here and everybody loves you already," I mumbled.

Ignacio motioned me to sit at the tiny table placed in the kitchen. I sat down and he grabbed a small bag of what looked to be weed and some paper out of a small cabinet in the kitchen. He grabbed a lighter from the counter.

"Listen," Ignacio said, sitting down and rolling up. "You don't need everybody to love you to be happy. Who gives a dead banana's shit what anyone cares about you? Only yourself," he said, lighting up.

"How did you get high so quickly?" I asked rhetorically.

"I'm not high yet, silly goose." He smiled and handed me a blunt. "Light up."

"I don't know... I've never smoked before."

"It's called living on edge."

I hesitated but then quickly grabbed the blunt and took a hit. I instantly felt soothed.

"Wow that's nice," I said, my eyes wide.

"Told you. Now you'll be chill for the party tonight and not so uptight," Ignacio smiled. "And this is only the finest Kush. Grown in España."

"How long have you been smoking weed? Like does your family grow it?"

"Of course my family grows it back in Spain, and I've been blazing blunts since I was in seventh grade."

"Aren't you addicted then? That's a long ass time."

"Nigga, marijuana ain't addicting," Ignacio said and started laughing like a motherfucker.

I knew he was high as hell now and I wanted to be too so I quickly sucked the rest of that fucker until I was flying on cloud marijuana. Damn, that kush was good and it was just my first time.

"So Cyrus," Ignacio said, stuffing Spanish rice into his mouth. He had heated up a bowl of it. "You ever had sex before?"

"Nope. I'm a virgin. I've given sexual favors before."

"Blowjobs and handjobs?"

"Yup," I said, popping the p.

"Man, Cyrus. You're doing it all wrong," he said, shifting his body to get more comfortable.

"What do you mean? I'm hungry and confused."

"I mean you should be the one receiving, not giving. Otherwise they have no choice but to use you."

"I've been given a few hand jobs before."

"That's not enough, Cyrus. You should be having actual sex and actually getting in return."

"Well what about you, are you a virgin?"

"Nope. My first time was with a girl named Elena Lopez. She was the fattest hoe in Spain."

I paused, confused.

"Wait, I thought you were gay?"

"What, a guy can't explore? My goal is to not only have sex, but to feel and explore the invigorating adventure it brings. Some feelings you only get with a girl."

"So why aren't you bi?"

"Geeze Cyrus, you can't just ask people why they're not bi," Ignacio said in a girly tone. He giggled.

"You've seen Mean Girls?" I was shocked. I had no idea Mean Girls was even shown in Spain.

" Uh, hello, I'm from Spain, not Mars."

I chuckled.

"But anyway, never again would I ever have sex with a girl. Oh God. It was terrifying. But I do believe that everyone should have sex with the opposite gender of their appeal before they have gay sex or whatever they want. Basically I'm saying that I believe in the theory of exploration."

"Good theory."

"Well, this is why tonight I'm gonna set you up with a girl at the party. So you can do some exploring yourself. Get lost and be inspired. So you know what you like or what you're good at."

"I don't think that's such a good idea. I mean, there's not a single strait bone in my body."

"Exactly. So this will just be an experiment for experience," and with that said, he laughed carelessly and rolled up another blunt.

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