
34 6 1

December 14, 2015
Welcome back! Hopefully you enjoyed the first three chapters of Cyrus and Ignacio! Last time it was a triple update! I might be doing a double update, so be on the look out! Peace out!✌

"Oh yeah, and I must add that I'm gay, so, sorry ladies," Ignacio smirked.

"God damnit," Miley said under her breath.

"Oh, thank you for sharing, Ignacio, but really that's enough," Ms. Marcum said with haste as she ran up to the front. "You can go pick a seat anywhere that's empty."

Oh shit. I thought, glancing over at the empty seat next to me.

Ignacio, again smirking, looked my way and strutted down the aisle to sit next to me.

"Alright everyone, take out a pencil because we are having a pop quiz today!" Ms. Marcum announced.

The class groaned but stayed quiet as she handed out the quiz.

I read the first question:

What is one way to find the purpose of one's life?
a) his/her lifestyle
b) their success
c) their happieness
d)all of the above

Just as I was about to answer, Ignacio spoke his mind and shouted:


The class stared at him and for a while they were quiet until Jessica and Miley started to giggle. Then Edward joined in too. I felt like laughing only because he was the new kid so he deserved a first laugh.

"Watch your language, Mr.... um.. Ignacio," ms. Marcum yelled. Her face turned bright red.

"Sorry um-marcum," Ignacio snapped back mockingly. "And it's Mr. Garcia, yeah?"

"I'm so sorry...Ignacio. It will not happen again."

"Good. And also I have no idea what the fuck this shit is. I just got here. Perfect day for a pop quiz, huh, Marcum?"

Her face, still red, just looked back down at her desk.

"Didn't think so," he said with a sassy smirk.

"Please just try your best," Marcum said.

Damn. I thought. Straight savage.


After class had let out, I ran up to Ignacio and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Ignacio," I greeted with a smile. "I just wanted to say that I think you're really cool. I dig that."

"Thanks. I dig you," he replied with a smirk. God damn he was cute.

I smiled back at him and left for my next class, AP Drawing. And when I got there, guess who walked in late? Ignacio!

"Long time no see," Ignacio half smiled and sat down next to me.

"Sure was," I added.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Cyrus," I responded.

"Ah, Cyrus the Great. A Greek name. Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and founded the Persian Empire. Smart, your parents are, for correctly suiting you with such a powerful name. From now on, I shall call you Cyrus the Great. No more boring Cyrus. You will be nothing but great."

Stunned, I replied with, "Do you have a weird fetish for the name Cyrus? Or do you really study a lot?"

"First of all, I pay attention in history," he started, releasing a half smile. "And second, I have an enormous fascination with the meanings of names. I guess that's my weird fetish."

"I see," I said, nodding. "What does your name mean?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask. Much like your name, meaning sun or empowered, mine means fire or fiery. I was named for that exact reason. People tend to think I was named after Saint Ignacio but in reality, I'm not even Christian."

I chuckled.

"So you're like the fire to my empowerment."

"Yes, exactly," he nodded.

"So what religion are you, Ignacio?" I shifted my body towards him instead of facing the teacher.

"Call me Iggy, please. And I have no religion. I believe that whatever happens, happens. Sometimes you don't need a bible story to tell why something happens. You don't need to travel to Mecca and pray to a God that may not even be there. No offense to those religions that do believe, but some things happen on their own. And every time a catastrophic event occurs, these religions lose their credibility. Honestly, religions are for people who cannot imagine things for themselves. They have no creativity, no flavor, or a sense of thinking for themselves. They just want other people to make shit up so they have something to look up to when they die."

"Damn," I said. "That was deep as shit."

"I'm writing a book, Cyrus, maybe you'd want to read it. It's all about today's society and how stupid and fucked up is."

"I'd read anything written by you," I smiled outrageously.

He half smiled.

"I like you already. And you're lucky because I do hate a lot of people."

"I could say the same thing."

"You could? But you won't?"

"It's more like people hate me."

"I don't believe that for a second. I mean, you are a little off, Cyrus, but no body should hate you. What's to hate?"

"They just do," I said sadly and looked down. I continued to draw my sketch of something, whatever it was going to be. I hadn't decided yet. I usually wait until something comes to me and I'm inspired.

"Well anyway, do you wanna come smoke with me after school, at my place?"

"Uh, I don't smoke," I responded.

"Sure you don't. I meant to say come smoke with me after school."

"Okay," I replied, very unsure of what to say next. But then, I remembered being in class about thirty minutes ago. "So what was the 'shit' outburst all about?"

"I was pissed the fuck off because it is my first day here and that bitch teacher gave me a pop quiz. She could've been a civilized person and said, 'Ignacio, you don't have to take this, it's your first day.' But no, she chose to be a bitch. So now I will not be polite Iggy in her class, I will be sassy Iggy."

I laughed and said, "Just watch. You'll get the best grade in class."

"Yeah, right, I'm pretty sure I failed. I was basically guessing on every question, because in Spain, we didn't have shit like that. I don't think anyone realizes what a dumbass bitch Marcum is."

"I do; I've hated her since the first day of school. She's not smart and doesn't teach us. We sit there, reading the big Philosophy book and she sits on her ass playing Candy Crush or some bogus shit like that."

"Americans, you know?"

I laughed. "Watch it buddy, you're in a room full of them."

Ignacio just stared at me and then let out a very wide grin, wider than any grin I'd ever seen before; where the ends of his mouth came nearly up to his eyes, and his little smile lines came into place. It wasn't a creepy smile, just one where I'd like to know what the hell is going on, because no body smiles at me like that.

"You're gay," he said, then turned around to talk to a girl sitting next to him.

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