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The video had gone viral.

I sat on my bed with my laptop on my legs, watching the video over and over, wondering what I should do about this. My life was doomed.

I heard knocking on my door so I froze, not wanting anyone to come in.

"Honey, can I come in?"

It was my mom, who wasn't there half the time.

Choking down tears, I answered, "Um, now's not a good time."

"I'm coming in," and with that she swung open the door and sat across from me on my bed.

"What the hell mom, why do you have to barge in like that?"

"I just want to see what you're up to," she paused. "Have you been crying? What are you watching? Let me see. What's wrong? Why are you always sad lately?"

"Geez mom, give me some space! First you barge in, then you start a game of twenty questions! How about you start being here all the time, maybe I won't be so cold to you!"

"Let me see!"

"Why should I?"

"Because I'm your mother!"

"Fine." I gave in and spun the computer around into her vision.

"I was on a date with Edward and then this happened," I explained.

"I see. Remind me again who Edward is?"

"My crush, mom! I've liked him since freshman year!"

"What? He's a boy? You're a boy!"

I rubbed my face with my hand and sighed stressfully. I laughed.

"Mom, I'm gay," I told her, surprisingly calm.

"What? No you're not. Since when?" She looked extremely baffled.

"I've been telling you for as long as I can remember. You just never remember."

"I would, but you never told me this! Oh, I can't believe I have a gay son! What did I do wrong?"

"Mom,you wouldn't be so surprised if you would have just been here instead of having sex with other men and drinking all the time!"

"Don't you talk to me that way! I have endlessly tried to help you in every way! You just never tell me anything! How can I help when I never know what's going on?!" She gasped, then added, "You better not be sucking anyone's dick!"

"What? Mom, no!" I exclaimed, knowing damn well I had been giving gay guys blow jobs since the eighth grade.

"Whatever, I need a smoke."
And with that, she left the room.


In the weeks after the Edward incident, no body in my classes would talk to me. Not even the teachers. I was always volunteering and participating in class but that was not happening after what happened. My confidence was at an all time low.

A few people would talk to me here and then, but not people I actually liked, for example, Edward. He was now avoiding me as much as possible. We used to be chill and we'd talk once in a while at parties, but now it was like we had never spoken.

I walked into Philosophy class without a word.

I eyed Iris' seat, the girl who stood up for me a few weeks ago. She was still absent; she had been for weeks.

I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Miley and Jessica. They were the two bitches that always talked to me. I always answered, but just for the fun of it. Other than that, I didn't like being friends with them.

"Is it true that you and Edward fucked?" Miley asked.

"No. He's not gay."

"See! Told you!" Jessica said to Miley.

Miley scoffed and handed Jessica a twenty dollar bill.

"You guys made a bet?"

"Of course we did, silly!" Jessica laughed, pinching my cheek.

"But anyways," Miley said, looking at Jessica then back at me and smiled. "We were wondering if you'd wanna come to a party with us tonight and then maybe get some action in?"

"Tonight? A Monday night?"

"Yes!" Jessica answered.

"No, I have homework."

"Oh come on, everyone will be there!" Miley pleaded.

"Right, like I need more people," I answered sarcastically.

"Oh come on, please? It will be so much fun!"

"Oh whatever, fine, I'll go. What do I have to lose?" I mumbled.

"Yay!" They exclaimed together.

"You're so cute for a gay guy, you know," Jessica said, winking.

I honestly don't even know why I talk to these girls. We weren't even friends; more like frenemies. They always made fun of me for being gay, yet always wanted to hook up.

"Oh, Jess, Miley?" I said, grabbing their attention once more.

"Yes?" They answered excitedly. They always did that whenever I talked to them first.

"What happened to that one girl, Iris?"

"She committed suicide," Jessica answered in a serious tone.

"Little bitch deserved it. She was so fucking dumb," Miley declared.

"I think she was smart," I said.

"She was," Jessica agreed, lightly hitting Miley and gave her a knock it off look.

"Okay class! I'm going to have to have you on your best behaviour because we have a new student coming today!" Ms. Marcum announced, and with that, a tall, Spanish boy walked in the class. He wore his hair greased up in soccer style, and a soccer jacket with Spain's flag printed on it. He was sexy.

"Hola, soy señora Marcum. Por favor introduce tu a la clase!"

The kid looked at her like she was crazy.

"My name is Ignacio," he introduced himself, and as he did so, Ms. Marcum's face went bright red, looking stunned. "As this idiotic teacher might have guessed, I am from España," he paused, looking at the teacher, "which means Spain."

"Okay, Ignacio, I think you're done now," ms. Marcum said, embarrassed.

"Oh, no I'm not. I'm supposed to tell you all about myself. Well, for starters, I like having sex, smoking weed, going to parties, and traveling. I don't take shit from anyone, so don't you get on my bad side, putos. Oh yeah, and I must add that I'm gay, so, sorry ladies."

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