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Hey anybody who reads this you're amazing:) so I've been so busy lately haven't been updating but I plan on doing so now that finals are next week so I'll have more time! So make sure to read my other books, The Miles she Ran, and Say My Name!

But sorry for the short chapter, it's not that good but hope you like it anyways. I have no idea what to write next lol. So here it is and peace out!


I looked in the mirror at 8 p.m. My mom wasn't home so it didn't matter that I was about to go out on a school night.

I had put on some black skinny jeans and a black Greaser jacket. I have to admit, I look amazing. I slicked my black blonde hair back with some gel and smiled at my reflection. I was ready to turn up!

Beep beep!

Ignacio's car beeped as I stumbled out of my front door.

"Hey man," I greeted, leaping into the car.

"What's good amigo, ready to have a good time?"

"Nope," I said, "a great time!"

And with that we laughed, since we were still high.

The party was loud as hell when we walked in. As soon as Ignacio stepped in the door, hundreds, maybe thousands of teens yelled,


How is he so damn popular what the fuck?

He soon got lost in the crowd and I had nobody. I didn't want to be awkward so I just joined in with the crowd. I looked around and I soon found the two bitches..

"Hey Jessica! Miley, what's good?" I yelled over the blaring music. The two were twerking over some ugly ass guy. They're probably drunk so they don't care.

Jessica looked up at me while Miley stayed on the guy.

Miley really should get off him, she has no ass. At least Jessica's doing it right.

"Hey Cyrus," she smiled, "how are you?"

"I feel fuckin amazing!"

"Well that's fuckin awesome!" she yelled back and shoved a brownie and some pills in my mouth. She did the same for herself. I smiled and in the corner of my eye, saw Ignacio throwing some pills in his mouth. His eyes met mine and he rushed over to me.

"Hey bro!"

"What's up Iggy! Man you popping pills af!"

For a moment, everyone was silent. They all stared at me and the awkward silence was defining.

"Let's get turnt?" I said awkwardly.

And a second later, shouts and screams filled the room and the party started again. I guess that was the right thing to say..?

"Hey Cyrus, follow me," Jessica whispered in my ear. Having no control over what I was doing, I followed her all the way upstairs and into a bedroom.

"Ignacio told me your secret, straight boy," Jessica said seductively as she slid off her pink silk dress, only to reveal her sexy body. I laughed as I brushed her shining golden brown hair back behind her ears.

"You're so beautiful. I've always loved you Jessica."

She smiled and I kissed her hard. We fell into the bed, still kissing.


"You said what to Jessica?!"
I shouted angrily in Ignacio's face the next morning at school. He had just told me that he told Jessica to basically, well, fuck me.

"Bro, it was just a joke, chill."

"No, I won't chill because now she thinks I'm straight and I like her!"

"Cyrus, I was joking when I told her."

"Well you could've told me that," I scoffed, "before I fucked her mindlessly!"

"Hey, don't be mad, compraste, you said mindlessly. And anyway, now you're not a virgin anymore. You should be thanking me."

"Whatever. I just wasn't ready."

"That's not what you were saying when you were fucking her," Ignacio let out a small laugh and smiled.

"Shut the hell up, how would you know."

"Bro, everybody heard you because you were loud as hell!" And with that, Ignacio ran off.

I was left alone in the crowded hallway when Jason came up to me and high-fived me.

"Good job bro! I can't believe you fucked Jessica!" he shouted.

His other friend, Tony, joined in.

"Yeah, I've been tryna fuck her for years now!"

They both laughed and ran away.

"Oh fuck me!" I shouted. I knew in that moment that my life was screwed.

"Cyrus, we need to talk," a voice said behind me. I turned around to see Jessica standing behind me.

I sighed.

"What do you need?" I asked as the bell rang for class. "Shit, I gotta go, class is starting!"

"No, Cyrus, we need to talk about last night!" she said, pulling me back to her.

"Fine! What's on your mind? Just let go of me," I said, pulling away from her grip.

"Okay. So I know you said all those crazy things last night, but I don't think I feel the same. I want you to know that I'm just trying to forget last night."

"Wha-" I started.

"I mean, I kinda liked you since 6th grade, but I'm letting you go. I'm totally over you after last night. it's clear you're gay. and that's totally cool."

"Woah woah woah, slow down, " I said, confused. "what did I say last night?"

"You don't remember?" Jessica questioned, melancholy drifting through her eyes.

"Uh, no. I was on weed and alcohol and whatever nasty shit pills I was popping. I'm actually still hungover right now. I'm just drifting, trying to get through the day."

"Oh," Jessica sighed. "never mind. It's fine."

"No, Jessica wait! What did I say?"

"No really, Cyrus, it's fine." and with that she walked away to class.

I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach. What had I done? More like what did I say last night?


"Hey Cyrus," Miley yelled as I walked in late to Philosophy class.

"What's up," I said with no emotion.

"Why are you late?" the bitch teacher asked me.

"Why are you a teacher?" I said plainly. That got the whole class laughing. "Just another unanswered question," I mumbled under my breath and took my seat next to Ignacio.

"Savage," Ignacio whispered to me as he fist bumped my fist.

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