She Is a Dreamer

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Bella had invited me over to her house that night. When I hot there she took me up to the roof of her house. I looked up and saw the stars they looked perfect.

We were laying down. Bella's head on my chest and my arm wrapped around her. She was showing me some of the constellations and if you looked really hard enough you could see some of the planets.

"Would you take me to Neverland?"she said.

"I would take you any where you want to go."I said.

"Where you would you want to go?"She asked.

"I don't know."I said.

"How could you not know where in the world you would want to go."She said.

She got up and went back inside. I followed her as she grabbed her things. She took my hand and lead me to the subway.

"Okay where are we going?"I said.

She smiled and said"A place were you can always be a kid."She said.

We made our final stop almost near the countryside. She pulled me up the stairs and I saw the train stop.

We bought tickets and walked in the train takeing our seats. We were sitting across from each other, she looked out the window.

She looked beautiful like a delicate flower swaying in the wind. She came over to me sat down put her legs on top of mine and her head on my shoulder.

"Are going to tell me where we are going now?"I said, looking into her light brown eyes.

"You will love it I promise. Do you know what makes nature so beautiful?"She said, kissing my check.

"Mother nature, God, the world, many other things.What do you think it is?"I said.

"I think its magical fairies."She said.

For a moment I could see curiosity in her eyes as she imagined the wonderful possibilities and secrets hiden in the world. Bella wasn't like many girl I knew she was dreamer.

Bella could dream about a whole other world and make it real, so real that your dreaming too.

We stopped in a small town called WestBrook. I remember this town my aunt told me once my mum and dad used to take my sister and I here for picnics. Out in the field full of flowers and a huge oak tree in the middle standing so perfectly.

Bella stood infront of me her eyes glowing in excitement."Welcome to the unknown which is actually the carnival."She said.

"The unknown (aka the carnival) here we come."I said, lacing my fingers with hers.

When we walked into the carnival I felt like I walked into a different world. Bella was right I was going to love it. I saw this place as a magical world and in just a quick moment it could change.

There were rides glowing with bright rainbow lights. And stands all around us some had food others had games. There was a roller coaster filled with people screaming with their hands in the hair.

Bella pulled me infront of a place called "The hall of mirrors" we went inside you could see a yourself in all directions.

I looked behind me and Bella was gone. I thought she was playing a game; I began walking forward till I heard someone giggling.

I saw Bella in one mirror I turned around no sign of her. I then stood in a circular room with mirrors all around me.

I saw Bella in each and ever one of them. I walked towards the mirror infront of me. I put my two fingers on the top of the mirror and trailed it all around the mirror till I managed to find a button.

I pressed the button opening the mirror which was a door. Bella was right in front of me her face was in shock.

"You opened it."She said.

"Yeah it took alot of thinking but I did."I said.

She hugged me and kissed me. I put my arm around her shoulder and went to one of the food stands. I got her pink cotton candy and we went to the big feris wheel.

It was big it had flashing lights on it and rainbow colored carts. We sat in a green colored cart. When the wheel moved the cart up the cart would sawy back and forth.

It scared Bella and every time it did that she would squeeze me and close her eyes. When we got to the very top she released me and looked out into the view.

Her eyes grew big and tears started go down her cheeks.

"Hey are you okay?"I said, drying her tears.

"Yeah I'm just happy to be her with you."She said.

"I'm happy to be here too Bella. I love you Bella."I said.

"I love you Jasper."She said.

I pulled her into a kiss she wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

We were walking back to the train stop when I saw the big oak tree and the white dandelions surround it. I had a feeling as if my mom was there with me.

"Jasper are you okay?"Bella said, putting her hand on my chest.

"Yeah this is the place my mum and dad took my sister and I."I said.

"I wish I had met your parents."She said.

"They would love you."I said.

We got to the train and Bella was talking to this kind old lady that was going to see her grandson in Liverpool,England.

After the subway I got into my car and drove Bella home. She had fallen asleep so I carried her inside. I put her on her bed and put a blanket over her.

I closed the door and walked downstairs. I saw her dad in the kitchen.

"Hello Mr.Ward."I said.

"Hello Jasper. Where's Bella?"He asked me.

"Oh we went to a carnival and on the drive home she fell asleep. I laid her down on her bed."I said.

"Oh thank you. Jasper you are a good man like your father."He said.

"Thank you. Well I better go my aunt will be worried about me"I said.

I started to walk away when he said;

"Jasper if your not busy tomorrow after school. I would like for you to come to my office I have some of your father's things."He said.

I nodded at him and left to my car. After all these years someone knew my dad and my mom. I couldn't wait till tomorrow to see what my father had.

I thought about Bella how perfect she was for me. I would never want to lose her ever.

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