Toni's p.o.v:
"EVERYONE WAKE UP!!" I yelled.
"SHUT THE FÙCK UP" I heard a sleepy Taylor yell back, and I sighed. I walked up the stairs and into Calums room first, hitting the brown haired boy with a pillow. He groaned in response and I hit him again. "Wake up, we need to pack and put our stuff on the bus." I said, walking out of his room and into Taylor and abbys, opening the blinds. Taylor stood up faster than the speed of light and shut the blinds, giving me the nastiest glare. "Guys wake up, we have to pack!" I said, pulling my fingers through my purple hair. I walked out of the room, hoping that they would wake up soon.Abbys p.o.v:
After Toni opened the blinds, I was up. I know Taylor's probably going to be in a bad mood, since that's the worst way to wake her up. I sat up, and looked around for the blue eyed boy, but I didn't see him. Michael wasnt with Taylor either, so my guess is the guys are already up. I glanced at my clock, and seeing that it was 10:30, Taylor should be up soon. I stood up, and pulled out mine and Taylor's suitcases. With my luck, I tripped over our bags after I set them down, falling onto the floor with a thud. I heard Taylor sit up and braced myself for her to start screaming at me, but she just stood up, nodded at me as a "thank you gesture" and started packing.
We worked in silence most of the time, every once in awhile we would say, "oh yeah! I forgot I packed this shirt" or something like that. Around 3 hours later, we had 2 suitcases each packed with clothes, 2 packed with both of our blankets and pillows and a backpack with our important stuff. I heard Michael and Luke struggling to take their stuff downstairs, and calum sigh in annoyance as someone dropped one of their bags.
"Aw fuck"
"Dude, you had one fucking job"
After we were sure that they were downstairs, I grabbed our suitcases with clothes in them and started walking downstairs, and she put both of our backpacks on her back, grabbed our suitcases with the blankets in them, and followed me to the stairs. After many attempts, we got everything downstairs. After many more tries, we got everybody's bags in the 2 vans we have, and got in the car.
••at the tour busses•
"Okay so- FÙCK" I heard Giana yell as her bag fell from the car, and I tried not to laugh as she frantically shoved things back in her bag. Toni dropped down to help her and Taylor just walked away, taking our book bags and her suitcases onto the bus.
I started with unpacking our clothes, and me and Taylor got the closet in the back of the bus while Toni and Giana got the one in the front. Taylor was making our beds, since we made things go quicker by helping each other out. We had all time low playing in the background as we all worked in mostly silence, we would sing along quietly sometimes.
As the opening chords of "merry Christmas, kiss my ass" came on, me and Taylor looked at each other and smirked. When the chorus came around, we were yelling the lyrics at the top of our lungs.
At around 7, we all went outside and said our goodnights. We would be driving to our first tour date overnight. I was the first on the bus, I brushed my teeth and I crawled into my bed, snuggling into the sheets. Taylor came in next, following my lead and brushed her teeth and crawled into bed. I fell asleep pretty quickly after we started to drive, enjoying the sound of the wheels spinning against the concrete.
A/n: THATS A WRAP! I like how this turned out, but I'm happy it's over. The next book should be even better, so watch out for that☺️ love you all, and Hoodnight/hoodmorning😂💕

More than friends
FanfictionOur band, "the color of Hiding" was asked to be 5sos opening act. Of course, who would say no to that?