My p.o.v:
1 week until the tour starts. That's right, one week. 7.fucking.days.
Can you tell I'm excited?
Abby and I were hanging out in the band room with our guitars. We had tøp playing and we were arguing about who got to sleep were on the bus. We have already gotten to see the tour bus we were on, and we both wanted top bunk, but so did Giana.
"I want it, you had it last time!"
"I don't care! I want it!"
"Would you two shut up? You can have it, I'll sleep under Taylor." Giana said, cutting into our conversation. We grinned at each other, since Abby liked the left side, and I wanted the right side anyway. We heard the door open and close, and assumed that Giana left. We where just messing around with chords, not really trying to song write, when Toni burst through the door. "Ugh, I have homework and I can't figure it out! I have 3 packets in each class and they are all due on Monday!" She complained, collapsing on the floor. "See, that's why you should of just quit while you could of." Abby said. Toni was the nerd of the band, she wanted to stay in school since she liked it so much. Me and Abby dropped out when the band started getting big and Giana graduated early. Toni is really smart, she could of graduated early like Giana did, but of course she stayed. "Get Ashton to help you" I suggested, glancing down at the purple mess of hair at my feet. "I can't. The guys went to the studio to finish their album. Giana's at the mall getting new cloths, so don't suggest her." Toni said. "You really want the help of two dropouts?" I said, smirking at her. "Ugh, I'm going,I'm going" she groaned, standing up and walking out of the room. Toni had to work on homework all day, because she wanted to finish it now so she didn't have to work on it later. She finished around 6, and started making dinner. Me and Abby walked out to keep her company, and the guys came home not much later. We heard the collection of "heys" as they walked through the door. "Hey, I'm making dinner you guys!" Toni said as they all walked up the stairs. "Sorry, we are all really tired, we are going to sleep. Put it in the fridge babe!" Ashton yelled, shutting his door. I just shrugged as me and Abby started eating. Giana still wasn't back, but none of us really noticed. Toni was laying across one side of the couch while Abby was in the recliner. I was laying on the floor.
"Can you believe it? It feels like forever since we were on our last tour." Abby said, playing with her hair. "I know right! I mean, tour does take a lot out of you, but I can't wait to see the fans again." I said, rolling over.
"Abbyyyyyy," we heard a voice groan, and I knew it was Luke. "Come cuddle!!"
"Ugh, well that's my cue. Love you guys, night" she said, hugging us all and walking upstairs. That left me and Toni, and we continued the tour conversation. "So if you could chose, who else would you want to go on tour with?" I asked her.
"Well, one direction would be pretty cool. Uh, maybe hey violet? What about you?"
"Yeah, one direction would be awesome. I think they are going to be fun to tour with, so I'm just going with what management give us now"
"Could you come upstairs? Ashton and Michael keep complaining to me" Calum whined from the top of the stairs. Me and Toni exchanged glances, and we stood up and walked upstairs. "Night" I said hugging Toni. Calum gave me puppy dog eyes, and I hugged him as well. I walked into Michael and Calums room, seeing Michael laying on his bed. I crawled in and burrowed my face in his chest, as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Night baby" he murmured, falling asleep soon after.A:n: well, next chapter is going to be cuddly and stuff. Night/morning!

More than friends
Fiksi PenggemarOur band, "the color of Hiding" was asked to be 5sos opening act. Of course, who would say no to that?