Chapter One: Rain

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A/N: This part of the story will be told in the past tense version. Also the main character of the chapter picture will be at the top.

My mother said when I was born that it was raining. She said the very first time I opened my eyes they were clear just like the first raindrop to ever fall from the sky. And when I would cry, she would always put one hand on my forehead and use the other to wipe my tears. She would always tell me, "your name is Rain. You have to cry or else everything will be dry and dead inside."

When I was a little girl I was taught there was a God. If I didn't follow his book of rules I would go to a very bad place called Hell. Yet if I did follow these rules and committed sins that God and Jesus could forgive I would go to the best place in the world, Heaven. I used to think that would be easy, that life was easy, and that life was just fairy tales and rainbows. 

I'm not that little girl anymore, years passed by. One day we all have to snap out of that imagination, wake up, and realize the reality of life. As I got older I saw more, learned more, and knew more. There was one thing that I learned and desired badly and that was love. I was becoming the sun, not the Rain my mother knew. One day I had to go to a wedding for my uncle, I was the flower girl. His soon to be wife had her daughter next to her. As my uncle and his future wife were saying their vows I looked at the girl and something hit my brain. I started thinking about how pretty she was and what life would be like dating a girl. Ever since then I couldn't stop thinking about girls.

              As the months went by I started to become confused on sexuality and religion. I read about that a woman wasn't allowed to lay or fantasize about a woman, nor the same for males. Right there I started to hate Christianity. I soon converted to Hinduism since they focused on peace and praised LGBT. I never could or will tell my mother about these thoughts I always have about the same sex. Well at least I thought I wouldn't.


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