Chapter Two: What happened To Forever

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A/N: This story will now be told in first person point of view. Enjoy!

It's Saturday, December 7th to be precised. After my morning routine of waking up I hear my mother call me for breakfast. 

"RAIN," she yelled like a banshee. I should be used to her yelling my name like that by now but I'm not. 

I walk down the stairs, "yes mother," I ask in a curious tone. 

"Breakfast is ready," she said smiling and fixing my plate with the food she made.

"Eggs and bacon. You know I don't eat red meat mother, I'm Hindu." 

She looked at me then sighed and put the bacon on my father's plate. I looked up seeing my father come down the stairs.

"Good morning everyone," he says while kissing my mother on the cheek.

"Morning sweetie, your plate is ready," my mom says.

"Morning dad," I say.

"There's my favourite weather! Rain my daughter, how's it crack-a-lacking?," my father says trying to be cool.

"Good dad," I say while chewing my eggs. 

He grabs his plate and  coffee and heads off to work, while my mother does the same. Yes I am the only child, home alone. I turn on the t.v. and start playing Grand Theft Auto V on my Ps3. I hear a knock at the door. I groan, pause my game, get up, and walk to the door.

 "Who is it," I ask loudly. 

"i Ass," she says.

 I open the door smirking. In case you didn't know, "i Ass" is my best friend in the whole world! Her real name is Ashley but her nicknames are Ash or i Ass. 

"Didn't expect you here," I say.

"Well, now that I'm here. Shall we do something other than you sitting around all day like a fat ass playing video games," she asks trying to be serious but chuckles.

"No , I'd rather like to be fat," I say jumping up and landing on the couch.

"NOOOOOO," She yells in a whining tone and tries to pull me up.

"Alright alright, I'll do something for your sake. Also, you didn't go to the gym did you?" I say while laughing.

"Nope and never shall , soccer is enough for me," she says while winking.

"Assy Ashy is a fattie!" I say while laughing.

"SHUT UP. Go put on some clothes," she says happily.

"Why," I question.

"Because," she says.

"Because what, " I say.

"SHUT UP AND GO," She yells while laughing.

"Okay okay," I say while getting up.

As I head up the stairs I go into my room and pick out dark ripped jeans, a light blue jacket, and a grey and black tank-top with black sandals. I head down the stairs with my keys and toss it to her. 

"Ready," I ask her. 

"Always," she says. 

We head out the door and into my car. Luckily we are both 15 with permits. She turns on the radio. I roll down the window and look up at the with the window blowing my hair. I'm curious about where we are going but I do not ask.

 We end up parked in-front of this lake 15 minutes from my house and I'm a little scared. Usually this is where a person gets killed. She turns off the radio and puts the keys in her pocket.

"Ash what are we doing here," I ask. 

"I need to tell you something," she says looking down. 

My heart starts pumping is it something bad, is it something good? Someone please come before-. I saw her mouth moving but no words came out. 

"Can you repeat what you said," I say. 

She grabs hold of the tire wheel, looks down, and yells, " I'M GETTING SHIPPED AWAY TO A CAMP UNTIL I'M 18."

I gasped , my heart froze. What will I do without my best friend? 

"WHEN," I yell seeing her crying. 

"Tomorrow," she says while releasing her grip of the tire wheel. She moves the seat back and lays back.

 I sit up, get on top of her lap, and hug her. "It's going to be okay. We will see each other again! You have my cell, we can call and text everyday! " I say happily. 

She wipes her tears and apologizes. As I was about to get off of her she grabs my hand making me fall towards her and kisses my cheek. She opens the car door, pushes me off gently, and gets out the car.  I was too shocked to say anything my eyes were frozen on her as she left. I go ahead and drive home, I see her walking home with her head down and her hands in her pocket. I start crying while driving, which I know isn't good to do.

When I get home I see my mother home on the couch, she realizes that I have been crying. I run to her, hug her, and start crying again.

 "Rain, rain, calm down. Tell mommy what happened," she says. 

"Ash is moving away for forever tomorrow," I yell and start crying more. 

She stands us both up, puts her head on my forehead, wipes my tears, and says, "everything will be alright Rain. It's okay to cry, if you do not then everything will be dry and dead inside." She hugs me and I head upstairs to my room. I close the door, change into my pajamas, and lay on my bed. "Goodnight Ash," I say while closing my eyes and soon falling asleep.

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