Chapter 5: Cold Nights

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A/N : Picture is Carmen

It's about 8:00 at night. I look at my phone, dead. "Won't be needing this anymore," I say as I throw it to the side of the road. I start shivering as the wind blows. I look down at my black and white converse then see lights shining from the side of my head. A diner! I'm hungry, I cheer on the inside but stay calm on the outside. I open the door and enter the diner. I sit at a booth and a waitress approaches me. 

"Ready to order?"

"Yeah I'll take a cheese burger, everything on it but onions and pickles. No ketchup, replace it with mayo. Also a small sprite, thank you."

"Is that all?"

"I'll also order your number"

She laughs and says, "sorry cutie, I don't role that way."

She walks away smiling. 6 minutes passed and the waitress returns with my order. I feel even more alone now. My best friend is gone and now my so called "family".  I look up and see someone sitting in-front of me. Holy shit, she's fucking hot.

"Rain," she asks in a curious tone.

"Yes? Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Come with me," she asks.

"Um, I don't know you," I say. I was about to take a bite out of my burger but she slapped the burger out of my hand and sits there looking impatient. I'm shocked, everyone is staring.

"That wasn't cool," I say while getting up and stepping out of the booth. I was about to walk away but she stepped in-front of me stopping me in my steps. She grabs my shoulders, closes her eyes, and shoves her lips into mines. I don't kiss back, nor move, or even close my eyes. I've seen how people kissed in movies. She pulls away and says, "you have to close your eyes and kiss back or else it won't work." What the hell? "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WHY DID YOU KISS ME?" I look over before I yell something else. I see red and blue lights outside, she grabs my hand and says,"we have to go now, NOW". I snatch my hand away. Who the hell does she think she is? Wait, who the hell is she? I snap back into reality, the police kick open the door. A police man yells, "THERE SHE IS". 

I grab her hand and smile nervously. She rolls her eyes and we run. I try to keep up but she runs too fast, almost abnormal fast. I look back seeing the police behind us. We turn a corner, then another, then another, then we hide in a dark alley. As we duck behind the trashcans we see the police running forward. I smile and laugh, "phew that was close". She crawls over and comes in front of me. "Kiss me," she says with a serious tone. "Listen just because you're-" I look at her. "Just because you're really really, really hot with your sexy, gorgeous red hair, and beautiful hazel eyes, and your body figure is just wow." My eyes start observing every detail of her, shoot I wouldn't mind kissing her now. I'm lucky a girl like that is evening trying to kiss me.

"Where was I ?  Oh yeah,  I'm not giving my first kiss to a stranger." She looks down then at me. "Please," she says. Why does she have to be so hot? I cuff my hands around her cheeks and lean in. "Wait," I say. She pushes her lips against mine before I could say anything. I close my eyes and start kissing her back. Her lips feel so good, a kiss feels so good. I open on eye and see we are in the middle of a room with hundreds of girls. I stare at the girl because she hasn't removed her lips yet. I clear my throat, pull my lips away, and stand up quickly. I grab her hand and help her up. She comes close to my ear and whispers, "wow". I get a shivering feeling down my spine. All the girls and older women were staying then 6 seconds of silence passed. All of a sudden all the girls start running towards her and I get shoved out the way and fall. All the girls are screaming and touching her, I hide under the table. This is way too much in one day!

I see an old woman with blonde hair go on stage. She smiles and looks around. "EVERYONE SIT DOWN AND MOVE FROM MY DAUGHTER," she yells. All the girls ran to their seats and sat up straight. The girl was on the floor with hair a mess and her shirt off of one shoulder. She gets up and fixes her clothes and hair then walks up to the old woman. I come out from under the table then sit down. I cover my mouth from giggling and a girl slaps my hand softly.

"Don't ruin the taste of her lips, " she says in a mean tone.

"Um, why?"

"DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO SHE IS," she yells while gasping.

"No, I don't know who any of you are. Nor where I am!"

"Well. She's the hottest and most popular girl in school. Also the daughter of the mistress. The mistress, one look at her and all the girls became love struck. Yet we all know we could never get her because she has a girlfriend so we date other girls here."

"Wait, where's here? Other girls? I'm so confused."

"Her name is Carmen but only her friends call her Carmi. If you call her Carmi, she might uppercut you in the face," she says while rubbing her jaw. 

I nod my head and she continues. 

"My name is Miranda by the way. What's yours?"

"Rain," I say.

The old lady or mistress finishes her conversation with the older women who look about 30. She taps the mic and starts speaking. I was listening but my focus was on Carmen. "Classes start in two months! Have a good summer," she says and closes her notebook. Everyone started clapping, cheering, talking, then they started to leave this room. I saw Carmen talking to a girl and her mom but the girl's face was facing her direction.

I get up but then Miranda stands in front of me. 

"Where do you think you're going," she asks.

"Um, to see Carmen. Ask her some questions. Like ugh, I don't know. Where the hell am I ? "

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Carmen doesn't answer to people, you answer to Carmen. I'll take you to the office for you can get your map of the island, your roommate, uniform, and dorm key."

"Alrigh-, wait island?"

She starts leaving and I follow her into the halls to the office. I get all my materials but they said my roommate decided to be straight so she got kicked out. They inform me that my new roommate is in the C dorm building, door 223. They give me my key and Miranda walks me to another building. Outside it is labeled "C Dorms". "I'll give you a tour tomorrow, enjoy your first day. By the way welcome to Camp Equality," she says.

A camp? I smile and she walks away. I open the door with my key. I look at my roommate who's pretty cute. "Hello, my name is Cera," she says with an accent. "Rain," I say and shake her hand.

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