Chapter 8: A Present of the Past

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A/N: Sorry for not updating as much guys! Super busy! Sorry this is a short chapter! Next one will be longer, I promise!

"Wake up, Wake up!"

I open my eyes seeing it's Miranda.

"What time is it," I ask while yawning and rubbing my eyes open. 

"7 A.M," she says proud. I throw a pillow at her and put the pillow over my head. I feel her drag me out of bed and I land on the floor on my butt. 

"Come on  Miranda it's too early," I say.

"Yet you wanted a tour," she says in disappointment. 

"I already know most of the Island, I'm fine now,"  I say climbing back onto the bed slowly.

"Well they're having a pre-game of the tournament today! Top 10 people who win this entry get to be in the tournament!"

"Fine fine, when is it starti-" 

A crackle sound from above, a tap, someone clearing their throat. The voice in the announcement speaks, " the tournament of Camp Equality shall begin in 5 minutes! I hope you're already there and warmed out if you are trying out. If you're watching then enjoy the show!"

"10 MINUTES," I yell in question. I get up and shove Miranda out my room. "STAY THERE TIL I'M DONE," I yell. I slam the door shut and strip, I hear the door open. Miranda walks in with her eyes clothes and tosses me a long sleeve shirt with a zipper that's silk, thin, and black with pants that are silk, thin, and black also. 

"Make sure you put that on! I grabbed because I knew you would enter," she says happily while feeling around for the door knob and exiting out while closing the door. 

I put on the clothes and open the door, she grabs my hand and we run down to the area. It's big like an American football stadium. She let's go of my hand and coughs shyly. "Go onto the field, I'll be watching from the bleachers," she says.

I nod my head and walk to the starting line. I look at all the girls around me, I can defiantly tell it's more than 40. The head mistress flies in then lands in front of us on the ground, every starts clapping for her. She smiles then holds her hand up and it gets silent, she taps the microphone. "Welcome new comers and old. This is the pre-tournament of Camp Equality if you did not know already. This will test the top 20 girls to be in the real tournament, which starts in a week. This tournament is about testing your reflexes, speed, strength, and intelligence. Since I don't want to give away all the  intense action." She coughs, "I mean, greatness. Today will just be a regular foot race."

I smile and sigh, I thought it would be something really intense. This place isn't so bad after all. The area starts shaking and lifting every one is either laughing or frightened. As the area starts shaking more these windows pop out of the group and become the roof. Lights shine on us and I hold my hand up covering my eyes while keeping my balance. The shaking stop, the window roofs lock, and the bleachers are higher for people to watch better. I look in the distance and see a volcano. 

"You will be racing to the volcano! Just so you know, the volcano is a real simulator. Meaning if you get burned or fall in, may I say rest in peace. So try not get burned or fall in! No cheating," The Mistress says while laughing and stepping to the side. She holds a gun up towards the sky and places her finger on the trigger. 

"Ready, set,". She fired the gun and all 40 girls began to run.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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