Titan research: feild journal

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Erwin declared that it was time for us to get to the Mess hall. No one had to be told twice.

As I walked past Erwin, he winked at me and grinned.

"If only the cadets could follow training orders this well." He said.

I grinned back.

"There's nothing you can't accomplish with the promise of food."

The Mess hall, was, well, messy. Cadets were constantly waging food fights against opposing tables. I watched as Levi and his "siblings" walked down the aisles. Levi murmured something that sounded like "soap and water".

They finally chose a table that was the least messy, and pulled out some disposable wipes. They got to cleaning the benches and tabletop, as well as the underneath. Really, I didn't blame them. These food wars tended to get out of hand, and no one wanted to clean up after themselves. It got to the point where the cleaning crew quit cleaning to get the cadets to pick up after themselves. Even Erwin's threats did nothing to clean the Mess hall.

Levi muttered something else that sounded like, " lamentable. "

I spoke to them.

" Food fights. Erwin and the cleaning crew has tried everything to get the cadets to clean up their messes. Even I can't stand it." I saluted. "I'm Rukia Myosaki."

Levi turned around.

"There's no point in us introducing ourselves. You already know our names."

I crossed my arms. "Of course I do. You're Levi, Farlan, and Isabelle. You are Erwin's new recruits. I watched your training. You're pretty good."

Levi blinked. If he was surprised, he didn't show it. The only emotion he showed was boredom.

"Thanks a bunch! " Isabelle chimed in. "Hey, you can sit with us if you like."

"Thanks, and no problem."

I took the seat next to her and set down my tray. I began eating my soup, and conversation happened between bites. Or would you say sips?

"So how long have you been in the corps?" Farlan asked.

"Two years."

"Tell us, what are titans like?" Isabelle asked. "We've never seen one."

Rukia, run!!!

Mom!!! Dad!!!! No!!!!


Put them down!!!

I dropped my spoon, which landed with a shrill metallic clang on the table. Tears sprung to my eyes, and I clamped my hand over my mouth.

"They're terrible," I whispered. "They mindlessly kill, and for what reason? They don't need food, they have no digestive track. And they don't have genetals, so how do they reproduce? We know very little about them. Where did the come from? When were they created?" A single tear ran down my cheek.

Isabelle threw her arms around my neck.

"I'm so sorry. It must be hard to talk about."

"I can't even describe it. No one can."

Farlan looked at me with wide eyes.

I wiped my eyes.

"Really, I didn't mean to get emotional over this, but its hard not to when you watch loved ones and squad mates die at their hands for no reason. Not to mention coming so close to death yourself."

It was a scary feeling.

Levi's point of view

I looked around the Mess hall,disgusted with all the litter on the floor and the stains on the tables.

"I would love to take soap and water to this place and scrub the filth from the floors," I told Farlan.

"Obviously hygiene is not one of their priorities," Farlan replied.

"This cleaning is lamentable. Just lamentable. Well, let's get to work. This dump isn't gonna clean itself."

I pulled a canister of disinfectant wipes from my satchel. Really, this place was disgusting.

Someone behind us spoke.

"Food fights. Erwin and the cleaning crew have tried everything to get the cadets to clean up their messes. Even I can't stand it. I'm Rukia Myosaki."

I turned around.

The woman who claimed to be Rukia was short, skinny, had blond hair that reached her hips, and, as Farlan had said, I will admit, was stacked. She was pretty, but I wouldn't admit that.

"There's no point in us introducing ourselves. You already know our names," I said, rather annoyed.

Rukia crossed her arms. "Of course I do. You're Levi, Farlan, and Isabelle. You're Erwin's new recruits. I watched you training. You're pretty good."

I blinked, surprised at what she said.

"Thanks a bunch!" Isabelle said excitedly. "Hey, you can sit with us if you like!"

"Thanks, and no problem," Blondie said. She carried her tray over to where Isabelle was sitting and claimed the bench next to her.

And, of course, Farlan was staring at her.

"So, how long have you been in the corps?" He asked, trying to get her attention.

"Two years."

Great. Blondie is a freakin' veteran.

"What are titans like?" Isabelle asked. "We've never seen one!"

The conversation was headed in a dangerous direction. Watch your mouth, Isabelle!

Blondie froze in place, shock written across her face. Tears sprung to her eyes. She dropped her spoon, which landed with a clang.

Great. Another Mess to clean up.

She clapped her hand over her mouth. She had gone a couple of shades pale.

"Should I do mouth to mouth?" Farlan asked suggestively.

"No!" I hissed.

Blondie seemed to snap back to reality.

"They're terrible," she whispered. " They mindlessly kill, and for what reason? They don't need food, they have no digestive track. And they don't have genitals, so how do they reproduce? We know very little about them. Where did they come from? When were they created?" A tear ran down her cheek.

They don't digest? No genitals? They know next to nothing?

Isabelle threw her arms around Blondie's neck.

Oh, God, Please.

"I'm sorry! That must be hard to talk about." She cried.

" I can't even describe it. No one can."

Farlan continued staring. I thought his jaw was going to hit the floor.

Shut your mouth, Farlan. A bug might fly in.

Blondie wiped her eyes.

"Really, I didn't mean to get emotional over this, but its hard not to when you watch your loved ones and squad mates die for no reason. Not to mention coming so close to death yourself."

Her words sent a chill down my spine. There was a chance that we would die. I looked over at my friends. I might lose them if we're not vigilant.

It was a scary feeling.

Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears) Levi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now