Words like Knives

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Erwin seemed contented for me to stay by his side.

Really, he shouldn't make things between us obvious. After all, he did say that he wanted to hold up his reputation. But that plan was blown out of the water, since he keeps following me around like a lost puppy. Not to mention him constantly having his arms around me.

And when he told me he loved me, it felt like a slap in the face. Did I respect him? Definitely. Did I admire him? Of course. But did I love him? Yes. I loved him as much as a cadet could love her commanding officer, but I could not see myself spending the rest of my life with him. I wish I knew how to tell him.

I hated  emotionally hurting others. I was a doormat, couldn't tell others what I was thinking.

And his silky caresses and tender kisses confused me. I needed some girl talk time.

Knock, knock.

The barrack door creaked as someone pulled it open. Levi's face came into view. He leaned against the doorframe.

"Is Isabelle here?" I asked. "I really need to talk with her."

She and I became best friends fast. I could trust her with my life.

"No, she's training right now. Something more important than talking about BS topics like you're at some slumber party."

"Can you tell me where she's training at? I need to discuss something important with her."

"What, do you need to ask her if your nails are chipped?"

"Since when is it your business? If I wanted you to know, you'd know. Besides that, I've always assumed that sass applied to females only."

The muscles in his clenched jaw spasmed. He all but slammed the door in my face.

"See!?" I cried.

My ears started burning. He was probably cursing my name.

I whirled around and stomped down the corridor.

Why was Levi being so DIFFICULT?

I wanted to rip my hair out.

Instead, I went in search for Isabelle.

Levi's point of view

I was laying on my bunk, contemplating on how to run this mission without being caught. Farlan was in Erwin's office, trying to find those documents.

Knock, knock.

I swung my legs out of bed. I pushed myself up of the mattress, and grabbed my dagger off of the dresser. I slipped it down into my boot.

This might be my chance.

I answered the door, annoyed to see Blondie standing there.

She'd asked if Isabelle was here. I told her that she was training. I didn't remember whom with.

Really, Levi, this is important, she said.

What they talked about last time was nails. Really, I didn't expect Isabelle to be in to that kind of thing. Girls will be girls, I suppose.

What can be more important than nails to you? Oh, right. Nothing.

I asked her what could be so freakin' important, and she all but called me a girl.

My fingers twitched toward my boot. I slammed the door before I could do something that I would regret.

I flopped back onto my bunk, not caring for once that I messed up the sheets that I had readjusted for the millionth time yet again.

The door opened.

My agitation skyrocketed.

"I swear to God, Blondie, if you're coming in here to -" I started yelling.

"Whoa, Levi. It's just me," Farlan said, raising his hands in mock surrender.

I sat up.

"Did you get them!?"

"Nah, Erwin came into his office while I was searching."

I panicked. "What happened!?"

"Nothing. I heard his boots clomping down the hall. Gave me plenty of time to hide."

Thank god.

"Hey, why was Rukia here a minute ago?"

Oh, god, Farlan. You just had to ask.

I groaned and rubbed my hand across my face.

"She was here simply to be a pest, Farlan. She wanted to see if Isabelle was up for girl talk."

" Well, Levi, women are unpredictable. By girl talk she could have meant, I've got issues, or I just saw a really cute guy, or lets do something that's fun now but we'll regret later."

I stared at him, completely shocked. How did he know that? True, women were unpredictable, Rukia proved that every day.

"Hey, I pay more attention than you think I do." Farlan said.

"And, Levi? Close your mouth. It's not gonna close itself."

Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears) Levi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now