Shark bait (hoo-ha-ha)

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Jean gave me a deadly glare as I set the dark brown wig on his head.

"I never actually really agreed to this, Rukia."

"At least not until we bribed you into doing so."

We had told Jean that we would stop calling him horse related names if he played dress up for a day.

Armin went downtown to bargain hunt, and Mikasa went to do some errands at the booths. Eren? He was on his way to the capital. But I sent someone with Mikasa. The cloaked person spoke not a word as I gave them their duty.

Levi stepped into the carriage as Erwin sat at the front.

For finishing touches, I put handcuffs on Jean's wrists and told him, "Look guilty."

I sat across from Jean and Levi took the seat beside me and handed me a rifle.

"Hey, we want this skit to be dramatic, don't we?" He asked as I stared wide eyed at the weapon in my hands.

The carriage lurched forward, and I almost fell off the bench. My backside was already going numb.

Jean looked as if he wanted to kill me for putting him up to this.

I only hoped that this would go well.

Armin's point of view

I had rendezvoused (rahn day voosed) back with Mikasa and Hooded Cloak( AKA Eren ) after talking to Annie. She had agreed to follow us to take Eren to the Underground city.

She walked alongside us, aware that we were carrying 3DMG. I had told her that if anyone saw Eren, we would need to make a quick escape. Eren was supposed to be going to the capital to be handed over to the authorities.

None of us said a word as we walked toward the abandoned underground entrance. Eren, Mikasa and I started descending the staircase. Annie didn't follow, however.

"Why won't you follow us under ground?" Eren demanded.

"I'm afraid of cramped, dark places. I'm a poor, frightened maiden."

"Someone who can toss a person over her shoulder can hardly be called a maiden," Eren said. "Quit being a coward and come down with us! Prove to us that you're one of us! We can end this where it begins!"

Annie laughed, and held her side as she breathed. She wiped a tear from her eye.

"I cant.
"Aww...It makes me sad that you suspected me all along," Annie said, unaware that Hanji and Rukia's squads were getting into position on the rooftops, dressed as civilians.

"This is where your little gamble ends, Armin. And mine begins."

Annie grinned and slipped a silver ring on her finger.

As soon as she slipped on the ring, Hanji and Rukia's squads had seized Annie. She flicked her wrist, and a sharp needle like thing extended out of a slot on the ring. She moved her thumb down over the needle, and the sky turned a greenish color and a single bolt of golden lightning came down as Annie's titan form appeared out of thin air. The squads went flying, and Mikasa grabbed Eren and me and ran, dragging us down the underground corridor.

"Mikasa! It is too dangerous to be-" I started to say, only to be cut off by Annie's foot crashing through the roof, killing two MP's who were headed our way.

"She gambled, putting that hole in the roof without hurting Eren," I said.

We covered our faces as Annie punched another hole through the roof.

Eren stopped, and hooked his arms around us.

"I'll save you guys like last time. Hold on to me."

He brought his fist to his mouth, then bit it. I winced as I heard the sound of his teeth cutting through sinew. Nothing happened. He bit his hand again and again. The wound got deeper and bled more. I was ready to hurl.

Rukia's point of View

I sat with Jean in the carriage as Levi and Erwin discussed matters with Nile, who was enraged over the fact that we had conspired to come up with a plan to capture the female titan.

I watched out the window as the lightning struck the area of the abandoned underground entrance. If either Annie or Eren turned into a titan, it still meant bad news.

I fidgeted as my nerves became riled. I messed with the straps on my uniform pants. All of a sudden, Jean leapt up from his seat, flung the carriage door open, and stormed off.

He threw the wig on the ground and spat, " I am done with playing dress up! Captain! I will rendezvous with the others!" He put on his 3DMG as he said this, and took off as other people ran toward him. I hopped out of the carriage and saw my husband with his signature scowl.

There was another lightning strike, and I knew that my plan had majorly backfired.

Levi looked at me, and his expression clearly said the same thing as mine.

What would happen next?

Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears) Levi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now