Raining blood: and the shattered pieces of my soul

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Rain. It just had to start raining. It started out as a lazy drizzle, then escalated into a heavy downpour. We were all in formation, I behind Erwin (which was awkward considering the huge grudge that my ex is holding on me for no reason) and Levi, Isabelle, and Farlan behind me. We had been out here for days, and Erwin seems to be more agitated with me by the minute.

"Shoot," Erwin's second in command grumbled. " I can't see anything."

"Our flares are useless in this kind of weather. Put them someplace where they will stay dry." Erwin pulled his hood over his head.

I thought of Levi. This weather was bad news.
Something might happen to him, or Isabel, or Farlan...

I glanced behind. Levi and the others had fallen behind a bit. Then, Levi broke formation.

What is he doing!? My mind screamed.

Maybe he is scouting out the area. It isn't like this is the first time that he has defied commanding officers, nor the last, some part of me reassured myself.

I kept riding forward. Our horses hooves were muted by the saturated ground, and they flung mud up with each stride. Not only was the rain blocking our view, so were the trees.


I pulled back on my reins, startled by the sudden sheet of rain which rendered my visibility to zero. I instinctively raised my arm in front of my face to protect from the blinding precipitation.

It was over as soon as it began. The angry clouds in the sky had calmed down a bit. I looked around.

Isabel and Farlan were behind me, weren't they? Where are t..hey?

Panic took over.

"Isabel!? Farlan!?"

I spurred my horse on, calling out for them. Then,I heard a roar that was unmistakably Levi's ring out over the treetops.

Oh, no.

Levi's point of view

We're counting on you, bro! Grant us our citizenship!

I made the wrong choice by going out to kill Erwin on my own. And now...

I had seen the carnage out on the field, and I realized that there was a trackway leading in the direction where Rukia, Isabel, and Farlan had rode off in.


My horse had slipped and fallen in the mud. And at my feet...

I stared at what was left of Isabel on the ground. Her lifeless eyes gazed at nothing.

I heard the sound of my own ragged breathing as I denied what I saw.


Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears) Levi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now