Shop, Shop, Shopping!

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Looking in the mirror I struggled to recognise myself, it was like looking at a completely different person. Gone were my long brown locks that I had grown attached to over the years. Instead in place was a vibrant, red choppy bob and it looked amazing! Light foundation and pink blusher suited my complexion perfectly. Black eyeliner along with mascara framed my icy blue eyes.

"Oh my gosh Aimee. You look great! What a masterpiece if I do say so myself," Becky smirked.

"I love it Becky I really do. I'll never be able to repay you!" I squealed with excitement.

"Now it's time for shop, shop, shopping!" she squealed with equal excitement.

Pouting in the mirror I giggled when the thought of destroying Jase sprung into my head. I was seriously going to enjoy this, each and every second of it. Don't get me wrong I hadn't just doing it for him; I had done this for myself too. I was sick to the teeth of being the girl that nobody noticed, it was my senior year and it was time to let my hair down.

"Well let's go then," a voice from the hall called out. Damn that girl can move faster than the speed of light when shopping was involved. Smiling to myself I grabbed my keys, my cell and raced out to meet Becky.


Arriving at the mall my stomach soon began to feel heavy. Jase hung out at the mall so it would be inevitable that I bumped into him. Sh*t! I really hadn't thought this through all that well. I mean I did want him to see me just not quite yet, the transformation wasn't exactly complete. Grabbing the sunglasses Becky kept in her glove compartment I shoved them on trying to shake off this feeling in my stomach. Bracing myself I got out of the car as inconspicuously as I could, I felt like a celebrity avoiding the paparazzi.

I was going to tell Becky to wait up, but the last thing I wanted to do was draw attention to myself. She probably wouldn’t have paid any attention anyway, as she was too busy racing ahead babbling on what we needed to buy. Trying to remain unnoticed I kept my head down as I strolled away from the car. Someone bumped into me and I felt myself fall to the floor, not before letting out a yelp. So much for being inconspicuous.

"Sorry I'm such a klutz. Let me help you up," a deep welcoming voice called out.

Before I knew it was being pulled to my feet but unable to compose myself I fell into my attacker/rescuer. Two strong arms grabbed me by the hips before I could lose my footing again.

"You're not exactly stable on your feet are you?" a smooth chuckle followed.

Feeling my cheeks begin to turn a lovely scarlet I stared at the floor secretly hoping it would swallow me up. Glancing up at the boy before me my legs turned to jelly. He really was gorgeous. Realising he still had his hands on my hips I quickly shuffled away from him.

"Ermmm. Thanks..?" I asked almost whispering.

"The name is Matt," the smooth voice said.

"Aimee," was my reply whilst holding out my hand.

The moment his hand touched mine, my body warmed instantly.

"Charmed I'm sure," he purred before he gently kissed with my hand with those soft lips of his.

A nervous giggle escaped my lips, as soon as it had my face started to burn immediately. Looking into his deep brown eyes I didn't see any lust as I had in Jase's but just pure admiration. A messy but styled mop of brown hair covered his head; I had to bite my lip as I thought about running my fingers through it and pulling him towards me. Shame coursed through my body as I realised that I had just met this guy and here I was fantasizing about him.

"Well I was just about to go for a coffee before I ran into you. You could join me as a way of accepting my sincere apologies."

Without any hesitation I immediately gushed "Yeah of course I would love to!"

Way to play it cool Aimee I thought to myself, maybe this player thing was going to be harder than I had originally conceived it to be. I text Becky telling her I'd catch up with her later, I was sure that she wouldn't mind. There was even a possibility she hadn’t noticed, trust me when it comes to Becky and shopping a riot wouldn’t even catch her attention.


Sat across from Matt I couldn't help but check him out, through his dark blue shirt I could see his defined muscles. He wasn't exactly a hunk but nor was he scrawny and bony. I was unable to resist biting my lip once again as I imagined my lips all over his abs teasing him and him moaning in pleasure. I really had to snap out of this but I couldn't help but undress him with my eyes. Being in my own little fantasy I was just nodding and smiling in the correct gaps in conversation. I couldn’t even comment on the coffee shop we were sat in, I was too focused on him.

"Aimee is something wrong?" he asked with concern trembling in his throat.

"No sorry I was just thinking essay I have due next week. Sorry."

"Essay? How old exactly are you Aimee?" his voice came almost a whisper.

When I revealed I was eighteen a wave of relief shot across his face. Eighteen meant there was the possibility of me acting out my sordid thoughts I had concerning him. If only!

We talked about everything as if we were old friends catching up. I soon found Matt had just turned twenty one; he worked in a drug store and lived in his own apartment. Sparks shot through my body as his fingers brushed mine and I began to blush furiously yet again. He noticed and a small grin flickered across his face before he wrapped his fingers around my hand weaving my hand and his together which made me feel as if fireworks were about to explode inside of me.

"What the f*ck?" I heard someone shout but I didn't take the time to see who. I was just enjoying looking into Matt’s eyes trying to figure out what he was thinking.

Someone stamped over to our table and cleared their throat. Who was spoiling our moment and why? Looking up I found Jase glaring at me furiously.

"And who is this?" he growled as a vein started to pop out of his temple.

"Jase this is Matt. Matt, Jase. Are you quite done with the introductions now because as if you hadn't noticed I'm a little busy," I smirked proud of my courage.

"But you're mine!" Jase spat.

"No. I am not! Now shouldn't you be off somewhere with your slut this week!" I was fuming and my hands were shaking violently in rage.

Jase gasped and looked at puzzled at being shot down.To show him that I meant business, I pulled Matt's head towards mine and locked lips with him. He did nothing at first but then moved his lips in sync with mine and began to explore my mouth every inch of it tasting me. His kisses made my knees so weak it was a good thing I was sat down. Entwining my fingers in his hair I pulled him back gently so that I could reach his neck and nuzzled into it slowly regaining my breath.

At this moment heard a huff and saw Jase storm away from the table and out of the cafe.

"What a tool!" Matt sniggered and then added “Do you care to explain what that was all about?"


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