Little Black Book

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Becky came over to mine the following morning so that we could call Harvey together, as she had missed out on the last ‘mission’. She of course couldn’t stop talking about Thomas and the texts that he had sent her, the way she was going on made me want to throw uplittle bit. I hoped she wasn’t always going to be that soppy otherwise I’d have to shake some sense into her. It did make me giggle though to see her so joyful, her eyes literally sparkled at the mention of Thomas’ name. Once I had managed to quieten her we dialled Harvey’s number. I set my phone on speakerphone before placing it on the bed.

“Hey babycakes, is Becky there yet?”Harvey asked.

“Yeah I’m here. So get to the juicy bit biatch,” she laughed.

“Well I’ve been spending some more time with Lydia. Look at me pimping myself out for ya Babycakes, it was some interesting time though if you catch my drift,” he sniggered.

“Gross! That’s all we need to know thank you. Just be warned you are on loud speaker and my parents with their all hearing ears are in. So at least try and keep it clean please. So c’mon then what did you find out from the Gossip Queen?” I asked. I was getting inpatient I needed to find out what were the next steps were.

“Well you’ve heard of lads keeping little black books haven’t you?” he continued.

“Yeah, so Jase has a got a little black book so what?” I yawned. There was nothing unusual about that. I mean seriously what did he expect me to do prank call all the girls in his book? That was hardly major revenge and if I’m honest really pathetic. I didn’t want to talk to all Jase’s past shag pieces. It would just make me look like a possessive girlfriend; it would be obvious it was me pranking them.

“Well legend has it this isn’t any old little black book. Apparently he actually scores all the ladies in there on their sexual abilities, if you know what I mean?”

“He...what...” I gasped in horror.

“That sexist horrible little boy!” Becky and I screamed in unison.

“I thought you’d both react like that,” he admitted.

“So all we need to do is make this little black book public knowledge and no girl will touch him again,” I announced. My mind immediately wandered to what he had written about me. What did he write? I had after all only been a virgin before I slept with him. Did that affect my score? Insecurity rushed through me, what if he had shown this book to his crew? They’d all have been laughing at me. That book had to be destroyed, preferably by fire.

“I’m on it now. See ya later Harvey and thanks,” I said.

Pulling up at Jase’s later that day rage flowed through me, I was so angry that my hands were actually shaking on the drive over. How could he be so demeaning as to rate girls? I was sure that once this got out nobody would touch him again. Who after all wants to be rated in such a vile way? Not a girl with any self respect anyway. I just had to find that book. I left the car thinking about possible hiding places, surely he couldn’t be that smart in hiding it- he had made the damn thing after all.

Before I knew it I was at Jase’s door. Hesitantly I rang the bell before stepping back to wait. My fists clenched at his appearance at the door, it was all I could do to stop myself from beating the shit out of him, instead I plastered a fake smile on my face. He ushered me in not sensing that anything was wrong. The woman I’d seen last time I was here, stood at the top of the stairs with her arms folded across her chest. She did not look pleased at my presence her thin lips were pursed together in a look of disgust, maybe I’d interrupted something? My mission was much more important than anything that they had been discussing.

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